Intro continuous of mayarita to pob

in Proof of Brain3 years ago

Scene 2

Doctor! Doctor!! The nurse's shouted after placing her properly on the sick bed, the doctor came in and do some check up on her he told miss Loretta you need to stay calm who as being sitting and standing with the look on her face that said it all that she's curious to know what wrong with Mrs Gbolahan, she will be fine. Are you her family member? The doctor asked, no I'm just her neighbor miss Loretta responded.. oh I see you have to contact one of her family while the nurse get her blood samples to the lab for examine said the doctor. Wait are you just going to wait for the test results before you attend to her? Mr Kolagbade asked, no sir I just gave her some injection that will help her condition. No! no!! no!!! she passed out doctor that why we are here, I met her on the floor in her kitchen not moving either is she talking all you can do better than to inject her with some petty injections and believe all will be well doctor said miss Loretta. The doctor smile and say you don't worry madam we are doing our job I said she will be fine, she was just stressed maybe she give herself much to do.

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 Well i think you guys should take her in for surgery to check the baby maybe the baby is fine miss Loretta said. Stay calm madam all is fine she's ok as long as you bring her to this hospital she going to be fine you just get in touch with her husband, because we need him here to sign some papers before we can proceed with anything doctor replied. It easy for you to say since you are not a woman like me said Loretta. After the doctor left Loretta make her leave too to contact Gbolahan. Gbolahan at home already confuse where his wife could be without her phone with her, how can Margaret leave home this dark without her mobile with her what is this woman thinking in her condition. I don't know why a grown-up woman like her will art so silly like this, while Gbolahan was worry about the where about of his wife his mobile came up with a ringing turn. Who could this be not the right time joor Gbolahan, hello who is this Gbolahan talking to the person on the phone, Loretta replied it me miss Loretta your neighbor. Okay so how can I help you Gbolahan said, help me no you are not the one to help I'm the one to helping you do you mean Gbolahan said, it your wife. What with my wife?... I found her unconscious in your kitchen this yesterday night so Mr Kolagbade and myself brought her to the nearby hospital. Ah! A!! A!!! Do you mean to tell me you are with her at the hospital now Gbolahan said


Meet me next time..

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