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RE: POB Question Of The Week #6

in Proof of Brain4 years ago

So many thing make me angry, let me be honest.
When I see people all over the world suffer and die and China pretends that the virus came from somewhere else it makes me mad.
When WHO fails to do its job I am seething with anger.
When people take money from corrupt politicians and vote for them I am livid.
When justice is denied to people I am sadmad.
When the elite of the world pretend to be philanthropic but all they do is plan all day long to annihilate the world I am like a bull in a china shop
When people won't do anything to help themselves but look for charity, I am mad
When governments make people dependent on them by giving them money instead of jobs it makes me livid.
When someone keeps asking for advise but won't do anything to change their lives it makes me angry
When I see parents fight in front of their children or say bad things about the other to their children it makes me mad.
When people keep making the same mistakes over and over again it makes me so angry I want to shake them up.
I am angry when people won't exercise their vote but whine about their government.
I go crazy when I see corruption in high places.
When violence and looting happens in the midst of tragedies.. so I get so mad.
As a person I value my peace, but the world around me makes me angry. I protest but in peace.
so I've got to stop this or I'll lose my mind.
So over the years I have decided to do what I can instead of being angry.

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