You almost 100% described Hive above.
VSC is a modularised LII smart contract system that scales.
Breakaway Communities allows you to run your own server and URL and run your own platform on top of that.
SPK Network allows you to be rewarded for storing other peoples content and it allows you to pay other people to store your content.
The Selling of user purchase data for example is being handled by @theDistriator, and incentivisation of action using hive will only grow such user controlled data
IMO, the vision you outline above for ICP is also similar to the vision for Hive too. Its all being built on Hive and much of the tools are now in place.
Also, im not sure, but im assuming, as with 99% of other crypto projects, ICP has a huge pre-mine. (I might be wrong tho).
Well, that is good to hear, I really like Hive despite its challenges.
What is not so clear to me is where all that data is computed, how much of it is really hosted on-chain and how much is happening in web 2 hosting clouds that can be turned off on a whim?
Finding out that most blockchains pretend to have stuff "built on them" while it's all actually computed by AWS was really a bummer ahahah. And also liberating.
As for the pre-mine, ICP had an ICO that went for like 50 cent or something like that. So those people are up 10x despite the constant downward price manipulation on derivative markets.
There is reasonable criticism against DFINITY, holding about 22% of the tokens right now. Effectively, since they have such a large following they can single handedly decide for or against any proposal. That however is being tackled with non system level approaches they are working on, as this would present an eventual bottleneck as ICP scales.
As on Hive, the more people delegate their "witness" and proposal voting, the less DEcentralized a network becomes. Gotta make our own decisions ;)
Many ICP stats are on the dashboard
There are also other sites on ICP that show further detail such as ICP token distribution across the network, voting power distribution, and governance voting trails, but I would have to find those URLs again as I did not save them. As I said, I am fairly new to this myself
thanks for your thoughts!
Im only pro zero pre mine projects when it comes to LI. if there was a pre mine, there is misalignment between the founders and the users who will be used as exit liquidity because of the pre mine.
We will just drop them all a social token on hive and not drop the pre mine holders.
Hive has no pre mine. so IMO ICP is not "as on Hive at all". Everyone needs to add value here to earn, either by buying off the open market, using the protocol to spend or making content about actions that benefit the community.
do you know how large the steem-premine was?
there is also still the open question about the usefulness of DHFs and the quasi centralization of large accounts that were not barred from carrying over to hive.
i would really have to find out more on icp to answer those questions, but that input of yours is highly appreciated, thanks
Do you know that the Steem pre mine was nulled when it forked to Hive and the community left steem to go to hive for this reason?
I thought the DHF fund of Hive is the portion of the stake that was formerly the Steem premine? Am I wrong?
partly. it is topped up by 10% of the newly minted hive. But it is not in the hands of one centralized, regulatable company. community votes on what happens to the funds, so its decnetrlaised and is not being used as an exit by a central company, and it is not using new hive users as exit liquidity.
the issue with both networks then becomes the issue with democracy itself. the system will only be so good as the lowest common denominator of the people voting. it is directly related to the awareness and consciousness level of those voting.
money can buy influence, both on hive and on icp, therefore it really doesn't matter much whether centralization is due to a pre-mine or due to collusion of influential whales down the line - autonomous community governance must be the goal somehow. i see an age where things stop being for sale all the time. which, your profile picture reminds me of also. good old Jacque.