Hello! it is actually not right to tag in a lot of people like this when you have no much connection with them. Yeah, I know you wanna show appreciation. It is good that you are grateful for the support but, most of the vote you got on your post is due to them being a curation trail account.
I guess you are probably wondering what curation trail is. This is when people follow the vote of a particular account. so if that account votes you, then the people following that account would also vote as well. So if there are a 100 people following the account, you would receive votes from a 100 people.
I am just trying to let you know about how things are since you are quite new on Hive. Congrats on the earning you made on that post, here is my personal advice to you as a newbie and it is what that has helped me to this point.
Starting out on any platform is never easy but being consistent and persistent would take you in the long run.
Continue more on engaging with other authors, most preferably, you should start with a community that you are most active in or niche communities that you love.
Try to partake in Challenges and Contests in the blockchain. These kind of posts get curated very well. You can find challenges and contests easily by just searching the #contest and #challenges tag. when you search them, you would see challenge post entries of different authors.
I still come back to Not giving up, because it would not still be easy but you can do it.
Lastly, Hive is just about socializing. Try your best to socialize, make friends. I mean a lot of friends and it is very easy, by engaging with them. leaving them meaningful comments that you would contribute to their post and no just short comments like nice post or I love your article. To me, it is better not to comment at all if you have nothing to add to what is being said in the post.
Try asking or dropping questions to posts you do not understand. The author of the post would be glad that you are interested in knowing more about the article and would definitely answer your questions with pleasure.
I hope you have taken notes all this that I have shared to you. Keep to it and it would help you in the long run. I wish you a successful journey on Hive. Bless you and Stay Safe!
Wow, thanks for all of this info! I guess I still don't understand what you mean by it being "not right" to tag people that upvoted my post. Are you saying those people didn't even read my post, they just voted because someone else voted? Why would they want to do that? Also, does tagging do something negative to them?
Hi @aprils, yes, some of the votes were automatic, the accounts have set their votes to follow a curation trail, so when the lead account of the trail votes, so do all of the accounts following it. Many of them won't have read your post. If you use peakd.com, you will be able to see in the Tools section how many views your post got - it may be quite different to the number of votes. Tagging lots of people that you don't know can be irritating to the people that you've tagged, especially because it is used by some accounts to spam people. You're getting lots of great advice from @starstrings01, so you are well on your way. Hope you enjoy Hive 😍.
@susie-saver, sorry! You need more $LUV to use this command.
The minimum requirement is 10.0 LUV LUV in your liquid wallet.
More LUV is available from Hive-Engine or Tribaldex
Ah! Okay, this clearly answers my questions! Thank you so much!!! 😁 I had no idea that people could automatically upvote. And now I wonder how many views I actually got. I'll have to go check that.
Yes, you can set up automatic votes using hive.vote, either for individual accounts in the fanbase or by following a curation trail.
@aprils, you've been given LUV from @shanibeer.
Check the LUV in your H-E wallet. (1/5)
Oh yay! Thanks @shanibeer ! Now I need to learn about LUV and I see I have POB in there too, didn't even know... 😁
It's all go! 😁