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RE: We need to talk about plagiarism on POB // Precisamos falar dos plágios no POB

in Proof of Brain4 years ago (edited)

Brilliant post, and i can feel the genuineness in this call for action cos it's robbing the real owners of their efforts.

In as much as i hate to say this, plagiarism has found its way into our society and i'm afraid to say this “It has come to stay”. Just like corruption, you cannot stop it but can only set some guidelines/rules that can help minimize it.

I could remember writing somethings few days ago before i joined this amazing community, which i posted on my status, it was quite nice that it was copied and posted by many while some found it all nice to take away the credit by simply adding few lines to the beginning and ended up erasing my name from it. I was so pissed that i had to hit them up to explain what they have just done. You only addeded something but didn't change the context of my message. It's like taking away ones food from the mouth and soiling the time, energy, thought process and effort put together to put up a content.

I don't know if it's possible for a bot to be programmed and integrated into the system in such a way that that once an original content has been posted by the creator, whoever tries publishing such content again as his/hers, the bot should flag it red and the handle of the original creator should constantly pop us as a sign that it was copied from him/her. I don't know if it's possible, but this is my little contribution to this great post.

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Thanks for the comments, buddy! It's really disheartening to see people earning tokens with stolen and often badly plagiarized content. I've seen absurd things around here. And this really will always exist, but the important thing is that we increase the reach of this perception, let the majority know that this is not welcome here. For now a bot is out of our reach, but manually we will continue to work steadily.