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RE: POB TALK 05/08/2021 - #68

The reason is not like a reason, it's like somethin you like in the person, something you feel is important to you. Loving someone for a reason is selfish.

Ok, do mothers love their children for a reason? When a baby is born, he is ugly actually like a potato. He is not very fair, has no hair, the head is deformed. But the parents love them, what's the reason? There's no reason, it is unconditional.

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i think the reason is because she is the mother, so no matter what she will love her child

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Again, that's not a reason. That's a behavioural response that comes naturally.

The term reason sounds selfish and driven by a motive. Love is not selfish, it is infact selfless.

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reason isn't selfish the natural meaning of reason, i dont think selfishness is included, is just that the love it attracted by something.

love without a reason will still love even when the person is no more they type of person you want them to be.

the bible says "when we are yet sinner CHRIST died for us" although we are sinners.