
Such a handsome kid you got there. Nice one bringing him up in such a way in which he becomes hardworking and able to do house chores

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Raag says "Thank you uncle for the compliment!"

In our society, men are not supposed to do all these household chores, it's always on the females. But I am not going to make Raag like that, I will teach him to do all of it and make him a responsible person.

For now, he's not :P

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Hi Raag,good to see that you are stepping in for mummy today,I really want to say thank you unbelhalf of Mummy 😁.

It is good to see that you have a very handsome boy

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Haha, he is handsome for sure :) Raag says "Thank you uncle!"

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😂 So handsome holding that, he looks hardworking and I can understand why you're having a lazy Sunday but it's cool.

Nice picture

ya, hardworking for sure :D He ended up taking out all the leaves of the broom, leaving mommy without a broom and with a lot of mess :D

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He is so much hard working just like you 😊😁👍. Does he show any interest in cooking? 🤔😂

He loves the chimney and microwave lights, he gets too excited when I turn it on. He loves the service spoons, he won’t let me work with any of them and would snatch them away from my hand 🤣

When I take him out to market and he sees a vendor selling tomatoes, he starts shouting and won’t stop unless he gets one 😆

Cooking I don’t know but food is surely his thing 😂

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