When Proof of Brain meets No Brainers

While we have a lot of intelligent, smart, and hard-working people on this community, there are some who negate the entire concept on which the community is formed - Proof of Brain.

We all are aware of the engagement program that was run by @amrpob.008. It was a fantastic program that rewarded those who engage more on the platform. Obviously, it was an automated program that upvoted those who posted more comments. But recently, it was shut down and here is the reason that came forward.

some people are gaming the system and earning POB solely for selling it and making money. I myself went through some user comments on which my alt accounts had voted on and found that to be true which was very very disappointing.""


Those who were actually involved in this malpractice shut down their accounts and stopped engaging and comfortably moved out. But those who were diligently doing it, with a lot of focus and effort are the ones who became the worst sufferers.

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When I say No Brainers, I mean:

  1. People involved in plagiarism - We all know how badly it is criticized not only here but everywhere now. There has to be ownership, innovation, and personalization in your content. And if you can't do that, this might not be the right place for you to form an income stream for yourself.
  2. People who post bad quality content - You can't expect upvotes on a poor quality post, why blame the whales for not upvoting.
  3. People who curate blindly - We have to understand that curation is a responsibility, not a random task that we have to do to make more POB.
  4. People who earn to sell - While I do understand some people have personal reasons to sell off their earnings, even I do. But there has to be some contribution towards the community that is offering you so much, stake some at least.

With all that I said above, accept it or not, there will always be people who will take the community down with such mal practices. We need to identify those and make them understand how it is affecting negatively not only the community but them as well, maybe that will make a difference.

Posted via proofofbrain.io


The same people and their alts were doing the same thing on SPortstalk, whilst I have no concerns at anyone doing anything they like with their rewards but when they are gained through deliberate comment BS and endless threads about nothing just to try and get comment rewards, it makes a mockery of both PoB and PoS. In PofB there are also far too many posts about PoB and 'why it's wonderful' , and 'why I support it', many containing tags to whales. It's pathetic and I cannot believe people have so little self-respect and integrity that they just want to write rubbish and beg votes.
It's especially sad for all those who put in some genuine effort. It's a shame for @amr008 as he was trying to help create engagement and if not for the farmers, it would have been an excellent scheme.

That's too bad about his project. He needed a team to help him support it. It also appears that IRL took him away from his efforts here too.

Posted via proofofbrain.io

I believe you're right, sometimes our on chain lives start to eat too much of our time. He is a very nice bloke and adds a lot of value to Hive so I wish him nothing but the best.

I'll tell you. A lot of this stuff is what I do for a living. My bosses hand me projects I know nothing about and tell me to get hot. I'd love to handle a lot of the problems people have here, but I can only do what I can. I don't have the time. So, I hope for patience in the community while people with the control make adjustment on their own accordingly.

Posted via proofofbrain.io

Oh for sure, it's going to make a difference because this is not just a blog to earn money from but to contribute knowledge and other generous activities and gestures to.

I say the no brainers never had a reasonable and deep thought about what they were doing, they just seemed to take it unseriously and their lack of passion will always be evident.

Regardless, that shouldn't have to change we the brainers from doing what we gat to do to ensure that the #POB community and #Hive in general grows and develops optimally.

You talked very well, Man and I admire your thoughts and the way you expressed it on this post. 👍🏻

Applause!! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

Posted via proofofbrain.io

Getting started here on Hive has been more annoying and time consuming as opposed to other platforms. I plan to stick around as it has powerful tools and hopefully I get used to how the blog works.

I was also wondering about this. Good to see that someone raised voice about this.