Why is parenthood challenging?

Being a parent is not only tough, but it comes with its own set of somehow irresolvable challenges. People run away from being a parent even when they say having a child is a blessing and you can die for that smile. So what's the deal with being a parent, why is it so fearful and why do couples run away from it?

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Now that I am a parent myself, let me try and answer these questions for you.

Being a parent comes with a lot of blessings as well as challenges and those are tough to handle. It's a complete responsibility of a new person who doesn't know any god damn thing and you literally are responsible to teach him all. Back in time, women of the house weren't working and so they had enough time to spend with their children, play with them and teach them. But these days when both the parents are working, it's difficult to manage the child and there comes the challenges.

  1. Being a parent means you have to accept a third person between you and your better half. This is the most difficult part because it's a big-time trade-off for the one you have been loving the most over years. Anyone else coming in between and sharing that love is not acceptable.
  2. Lot of compromises and sacrifices are involved like sleep, eating habits for a feeding mother, travel restriction, touching shit. It's mandatory and not easy, trust me.
  3. Managing a baby is like dealing with an insane person who doesn't know what he is doing, who is he hurting, and what could be the consequences. They would pull your hair, bite you hard and you can't make them understand that this is something they should not do.
  4. You have no ME time. We all love our Me time, we use to talk to our friends, watch tv, apply nail polish, or just sit and chill. Once you have a baby, you don't get your time at all.

All the above points are coming from an experienced mom and trust me they are true to the core. But still we all want to have kids because it's a special feeling, they make you smile, they look like you and they are yours.

Don't be scared, it's a fun phase of life :)

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Children's are the worth having, they are so loving and adorable and being a mother on the other hand is a kind of feelings, that no one else can tell but only you

Yes that's so true. And I didn't believe it until I was a mother myself. It's a blessing.

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By his grace you wil and yours will be wonderful.

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Is superb seeing family and with the blessing of the wedding which the baby in between, the lovely daddy hand which is the king of the house follow by the sexy sweet mother hands as the queen of the kingdom lastly the beautiful, cute, pretty, elegant, eloquent, adorable and sweet babay of house legs.

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The joy of having a child is irreplaceable! Even though I'm not a mother yet, but watching my mother cradle a baby even gives me joy not to talk of her.
The part where you have to accept your child as the third person between you and your better half is what most families battle with - they have situations whereby the mother loves and take care of her child more than she does to her husband and vice versa - then making the other partner jealous!
I understand Parenting as something that takes time to do, from breastfeeding a baby to when the baby starts walking - and with my experience on that, that's when you need to be very close to the baby more - and I believe this is were the NO ME TIME comes in.
Thanks for sharing your opinion with us @sugandhaseth.

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