COMPANION(Road To Seeking Happiness)

in Proof of Brain4 years ago

In a lame man's sight, A Companion can be a friend,a partner or an acquaintance or someone with whom one spends time or keeps company.
But i think companionship goes alot more way beyond that literal definition.



I believe having a companion is way more than just a friend or someone you just spend time with. Yes spending of time, being with the person might actually define companionship primarily. Aside that , there is more to conpanionship. The Aura and the quality feeling around itself is really awesome..
I saw companionship as something more than gathering, talking, spending time and the rest.
Companionship helps you bond with someone not even of your blood. It helps you Construct and conform family outside of family. companionship helps our life in diverse dimension, more than you can actually think. Socially, Physically, Being exposed literally, practically and otherwise. source


I see companionship as something you can actually make use of during time of Ups and down. What am trying to say is that if you have grown a good companionship with a particular set of people you can also call family,They should aid/help you when you are in need of it. It should even be done before you ask for it, why ? because as companions they go with you all the way and they also observe the situation one way or the other.


Another thing is companionship helps boldness alot. It eredicates fear from the midst of the companions. Because of the bond being shared, you know everyone will always step in to defend and fight for each other so there is no form of fear when trouble comes knocking. They are always like a pack of wolves everly ready to defend themself.


Companionship also keeps you safe at all times even when you dont know it.They can also be called your protector at that moment. Many will always plan to hurt you one way or the other but if you are not alone, it might seem difficult for them especially when the can tell that your companions are really strong either physicall or otherwise.
Situations you know you cant even confront on a normal ground because you know yourself,but you find out that because of your companions, you just see some kind of boldness gives you the gut to also voice out. It helps to surpress violence too. It is very hard to actually watch two individuals fight and keep on fighting. People are bound to seperate them in due cause. it reduces the mindset of evil too cause when you are with your companions, you tend not to think about all those awkward things you do think of when you are alone...

The thing is keeping company is something awesome to do but is your company "BAD" or "GOOD"
A good company is always evident even to the society at large. you can feel the way you think, talk, act, liance and also help out others by adding to them and the society too. Everyone sees your impact and achievements everywhere you go. The blessing and gratitude of companionship revolves around you.
Likewise when its a bad companionship, it is also evident. Every one sees that negative Aura in you and the destruction you make whenever or wherever you go. Every bad companionship has a big price to pay just as every good companionship has a reward. Mind you, you might be the bad companion to your companions or you might have the bad one among you which will surely corrupt the others. A bad egg is alwaya show, irrespective of being placed around or withing the good eggs.Besides they birds of same feathers flock together.At some point even if you claim to be so good, you will always be named together cause of that one bad companion you have with you guys.
Decern the company you keep.. Keep one that will make productive results at the end. set objectives and goals and not just being friends for the sake of it. Again, dont stay idle.i think that is even worst than having a bad companion. An idle person will surely dine with the devil. Remember the company you keep determines what accompany's you and at the long run your life.
Thanks alot..
Its an honour being able to participate in this week's contest.

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We all need companion in life , it can be friends it can also be pets, but mostly often companions are usually humans in which we have trust in and are close to us they are mostly close friends in whom we trust and share our secrets with, companions brings happiness it also brings encouragement and solutions to problem when we have a good companion we tend to move closer to success.

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