Take A Step.

in Proof of Brain4 years ago

Life! Life! Life!. Many defines it in diverse ways but the fact still remains that to some people Life is easy and to some life itself is really hard.


Whether life is hard or not depends on the individual involved in either the hardship or luxurious life but i want you to know that whether hard or not, Life is a journey and how do you make a journey ? You do that by "Taking a Step".
A step matters alot,a step in your life can actually change everything.A step can take you to places you least expect. A step can bring exceeding glory upon your life. sourcehttps://pixabay.com/images/search/step/


Sometimes taking a step can mean alot especially when you cant even see or picture where you headed to. Like the image above,the atmosphere created a diversion in a way that you cant even see the end. That alone discourages people from taking steps. They continue to make conclusions that are not true. They ask so many questions. If i venture into this, will it be alright ? will it yeild as i expected? will the purpose of it be achieved? you have forgotten that if you dont even try, you cant get answers to those questions. Many individuals that are flourishing in wealth today didnt think twice because their convictions were strong and made. it is been said only the risk takers are the real makers. sourcehttps://pixabay.com/images/search/step/



Some times we take the step and during the journey, it becomes more hectic and tiring and frustrating. Sometimes it becomes rough, sometimes it begins to look like as if the journey even has no end at all. Due to all this fact, some individuals decide to turn back, turn around and quit on the journey not even knowing that another step and you'll realise you are already where you need to be.
Take time to be patient always, perseverance should be one of your guard day in day out.
Take that step your thinking about now and see what comes from it. Some of us are not discouraged by anyone other than ourselves. We are the obstacles hindering us not even people outside.Be yourself, take that step, the worst the step can make is to either rake you or make you. Be aspired to create inspiration in your self. Take it or leave it. You gave nothing to loose afterall. sourcehttps://pixabay.com/images/search/step/

Posted via proofofbrain.io


This a very important message to everyone in this great community who wants to be successfull in this platform.the mystery of life is so so deep that some people have their way so easy while others don't. I encourage everyone in this group to take a step no matter the situation you might be at that moment because there is light at the end of the tunnel.bravo

Posted via proofofbrain.io