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RE: Do you want the power to have a love that lasts forever?

in Proof of Brain4 years ago

You know it's very difficult getting back up from a relationship that you had poured out your heart and soul to build just to wake up one morning and watch it crumble. It's actually amazing that you turned the tables around proving to him how strong you can be without him so he doesn't go about thinking he has actually made her look like a fool, just the same thing I would have done you know!! I have actually trained myself to the point that if I get into a relationship with anyone no matter how much I said I loved you, honestly the day you feel like Walking away I won't give a fuck about it but tell you to go on. I would even become more happier than ever and glow more making you see yourself as one liability that stood in my way of looking radiant. For our leaders those ones don't ever wanna repent. May God help them.



You are so funny but it is true.

We no longer have to sit back and mourn because someone decided to leave

Someone said up there that if we love someone we should let them go, and that if they loved us, they will return, if they don't then they did not

God is the only one who can help us with our leaders sis

Thank you so much for your contribution

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My pleasure dear. I'm glad I could contribute.