Was crying only meant for women??

in Proof of Brain4 years ago (edited)

Yesterday I witnessed a scene and it happened that a guy was consoling his fellow guy and at the same time telling him that he's acting like a woman.


Seriously? Are men not supposed to cry? Was crying written in any constitution that if a man cried he would die? Or will it take his manship away from him?

I really don't understand. Ok this is what happened after much investigation into the matter, the guy was crying because his girlfriend broke up with him just because she saw his crush hovering around like a hawk which was about to grip its prey.


This action of his wasn't in the open not was he shouting and wailing but he was letting tears flow down his cheeks non-stop. His girlfriend according to him didn't want any explanation because she had warned him against being seen with the other girl. She left heart broken and left an it's over message which broke this guy down and he cried.

To me, it's very okay for a guy to cry, because at least it would aid in letting go of what happened and aid in reducing depression. When a girl cries, she pours out her broken heart with tears but when a guy holds on to his, he ends up getting depressed and prolly commit suicide.

I also figured that when a man cries, it paves way for quick forgiveness from the opposite sex in case if such a break up. Though it's heartbreaking to see my man cry but I figured it's okay for them to pour out their hearts too and not harbor it which could lead to depression.

When we were all given bowls of tears, it wasn't given to only the ladies but to the men too. So why not? Men should cry too! Yes cry my dear men it helps but don't cry always o😁.

Thanks for reading 💙.

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It just how the society make men believed to always act strong even when hurt, dear men its okay to cry and sheared tears when hurt, its not just meant for women only.

It will free you from all the emotions and it can fasting the healing process.

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always act strong even when hurt

They've been strong for too long😁 so let them cry. Thanks for coming around dear. !PIZZA

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$PIZZA@funshee! I sent you a slice of on behalf of @teknon.

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Seriously? Are men not supposed to cry? Was crying written in any constitution that if a man cried he would die? Or will it take his manship away from him?

Yes. In some places, men are not allowed to cry. Sometimes, we're trained to follow a path regardless if we wish. I have mixed feeling about that. In some ways, it has benefited me. In others it hasn't.

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In some places, men are not allowed to cry

Don't you think it breaks them on the inside when they can't pour out their burden by crying at least? If it's in some places, make a proper investigation into such place and see how the men live their lives though they'll act strong on the outside but looking deep inside they are emotionally weak and need help.

Sometimes, we're trained to follow a path regardless if we wish

Seriously? Maybe the women should get trained too.

In some ways, it has benefited me. In others it hasn't.

Thank you! At least I pointed it out that it shouldn't be often. Thanks a lot for your comment. I really appreciate getting to hear from you. !PIZZA

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$PIZZA@scholaris.pob! I sent you a slice of on behalf of @teknon.

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Don't you think it breaks them on the inside when they can't pour out their burden by crying at least?

No. It won't break them, because they won't see it as a weakness or a flawed behavior. I have trouble seeing it that way myself. Also, some women have the expectation that men don't cry and, knowingly or not, reinforce the behavior.

Thanks for the pizza!

won't break them, because they won't see it as a weakness or a flawed behavior

Oh! Because they've made it more like a norm. I understand.

Also, some women have the expectation that men don't cry

Sure! I've seen and heard many women say that.

Thanks for the pizza!

My pleasure 😊

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From my own perspective crying is not only ment for women only but involves men and women.it is natural to cry and hold your self no matter the situation your find your self.

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Wow. I'm loving to hear this coming from a man. Hmmm. I feel so pleased 😁. Yeah now I'm doubly sure crying wasn't for us the ladies alone. thanks for stopping by dear. !PIZZA

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$PIZZA@newman42! I sent you a slice of on behalf of @teknon.

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We all cry, even our coming to this world was built on tears, we human are created to feel that aspect that would make us cry.

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Wow this is an amazing reply. Thanks for bringing it up, I think I forgot to put that aspect in my write up lol. Everyone man and woman cry at birth so why not now😁. Thanks for your comment 💞.

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Seriously? Are men not supposed to cry? Was crying written in any constitution that if a man cried he would die? Or will it take his manship away from him?

Must be very honest with you mate that I don't see any reason why a man should not cry ,it is meant for humans to feel sad and express themselves when they are hurt ,which I want to say that it doesn't have to do with gender at all, come to think of it ,why do we also share tears too when we lost our loved ones too without thinking about the gender part of the tear's,it might be true that their are some places or culture who don't permit the man to cry which I want to believe,but I still want to stand on the fact that tears does not need to do with a particular gender

It just how the society make men believed to always act strong even when hurt, dear men its okay to cry and sheared tears when hurt, its not just meant for women only.

It will free you from all the emotions and it can fasting the healing process.

To me, it's very okay for a guy to cry, because at least it would aid in letting go of what happened and aid in reducing depression. When a girl cries, she pours out her broken heart with tears but when a guy holds on to his, he ends up getting depressed and prolly commit suicide.

I must be very honest by saying that @funshee and you as really said my mind this believe that man are to always come out Strong to me is not really a good one and mind me am not saying it is a bad one either,but on occasion it gives room to depression and emotionally unstabllity and it as really affected lot of men in our society today,it is not a crime to be strong as a Man,but will must learn that letting out our emotions at times irespective of gender is not a crime at all and it will also reduced the rate of crime and succide too in our community at large,I must be honest with with you that this is one of the reasons will have so many people heavily depressed,cause they have no one to tell thier plight and they don't know how to let it go

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why do we also share tears too when we lost our loved ones too without thinking about the gender part of the tear's

You know I thought of that but do you know that in some men, I mean a majority of them don't cry. They harbor the pain and live with it for almost the rest of their lives. It's unfair to live in gloom that's why I had to bring this up.

believe,but I still want to stand on the fact that tears does not need to do with a particular gender

Oh thank you so very much. I love this response 😊.

it as really affected lot of men in our society today,

Honestly it has! It has kept so many where they are today and instead of them to let go or seek help they choose to die with it which is very bad. Thanks for your response on this matter. !PIZZA

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$PIZZA@houseofdavid! I sent you a slice of on behalf of @teknon.

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In fact , know one would like to expose her bitterness to the public, when you see anyone in this kind of mold that means something serious that she never believe in her life happen to her at moment and there is nothing she can do at that moment than to cry and forget about the sorrow.It shall be well with her.

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I completely agree with you. Men are human beings too and should be able to cry freely. But society made it
look like a taboo or a wrong thing for a guy to cry. If a guy cries it always seems as if he is weak and not manly. At the end thou, it's very okay for a guy to cry.

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Men are human beings too and should be able to cry freely.


But society made it
look like a taboo or a wrong thing for a guy to cry.

Honestly and it has become a norm but some say they love it.

If a guy cries it always seems as if he is weak and not manly

That's how people have set their mindsets nowadays.

At the end thou, it's very okay for a guy to cry.

Thanks a lot for your contribution on this matter.

Don't mention. The pleasure is mine.☺

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