POBphotocontest New Round: LEAVES ~ a gift from Mother Nature

Leaves come in all shapes and colors and display their uniqueness as they grow on a variety of trees, bushes, and plants. This first picture is of an apple tree that is next to our veggie garden. Without their green foliage, the WEB OF LIFE would slowly but surely unravel, and our existence would come to a screeching halt.


As the seasons change here in Upstate NY, leaves

catch our attention with their beauty.


As Winter closes in on the landscape,
trees that once were chock full of greenery and shadowed the ground,
now are barren except for the leaves that are too stubborn to float to the ground.

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Wild Black Berry bushes with their saw-toothed leaves provide what is necessary, photosynthesis, for the berry to ripen in the sun.


This is a picture of one of our two Black Walnut plantations.
The lift puts me high enough to reach the very top of these valuable trees. Trimming them so that they will have a strong central leader is the key to producing veneer-grade lumber.


During the Summer, Wild Flowers as well as cultivated plants litter the landscape. The green leaves furnish the perfect background for the flowering plants to display their many colors.


The Rose of Sharon first develops its three-lobed leaves long before the delicate flower appears in mid-summer.
The Black-eyed Susan lasts for months with the leaves of this wild flower remaining intact long into the Fall.
The elliptical leaf of the Wild Sunflower bush, aka, the Helianthus decapetalus, keeps the buds of this plant well hidden until they unfurl and litter the bush with their delicate flower.
All of the pictures were taken on our farm,
using a Cannon PowerShot XS 530 HS.
Thanks to the @friendlymoose we all have the opportunity to display some of what we capture on film.


Oh man thanks for the heads up as I have been dealing with lots of leaves lately. Maybe I should put together a post for the contest too!

Love seeing the homestead and you must be under snow this morn. Those pics should be epic too.

Leaves, all over the place, but they are great to add to the compost pile! this is a fun contest, you should give it a go.

We've got about 2 inches on the ground with several more inches of Lake Effect snow expected today.

The mother nature never disappoint

So true, all you have to do is get outside and let nature stir your soul.

That's right, such visions are a special gift for us because seeing all these things makes us very happy and forgets the troubles of our life and starts enjoying our life once again.

Nature does have a way of putting all of your troubles on the back burner.

The pictures are really lovely and that’s how beautiful nature can indeed be
I love that and kudos to you for taking those lovely pictures

Nature has so much splendor to admire, one just needs to immerse themselves in it.

Well all pictures are awesome. Such blooming flowers present a very attractive sight and such views are very beautiful and heart-warming. There are still many new things in nature that we have yet to discover.

That's the beauty of #hive, we get a chance to see nature and its splendor from around the globe.

It is actually true that after hive I got to see and know a lot and not only got to know but also met new friends and nice people...! It Best platform for all of us.