I am just seeing this post, but I have been roped into the conversation by a few people. I fully agree with your stance here, I would not support forcing 10% all all rewards to use a front end that offers not value over any other.
LEO and STEM are the first to use this feature, to encourage people to use our front ends (and gain SEO benefit as a result). The difference though is LEO and STEM only penalize LEO and STEM rewards, not ALL REWARDS. This is not something I can support unless the front end offered something truly unique over other applications. I would not include "votes" as something unique justifying the sacrafice of all rewards, in fact I would discourage it.
https://proofofbrain.io is a cookie cutter tribe front end without any specific niche focus. It isn't even a community as it is a general reward token without a specific niche. I don't say this to be harsh or mean, but it is reality. I actually fully support POB as a tribe and community.
only STEM rewardsAs a tribe owner, I have the highest and most aggressive penalty for not using our https://stemgeeks.net front end. 50% of all rewards (author only) are burned if you do not post on STEMGeeks.net. This however is , the reason for this is to minimize the reward pool distribution those outside of the STEMGeeks community likely just tagging an unrelated Bitcoin post with the #technology tag. I'm actually considering raising this to 75%. This actually makes the token far more valuable to those in the community and participating. POB isn't a niche and I'm not sure I would call it a community either, in my opinion it is another reward token.
All that being said, I am skeptical of the choice to make this change in the community and the real goal behind it.