Thank you for this post!
I'm just getting into learning more about DOT and Acala. Maybe you can help with a question I have on LCdot and the aUSD minting you wrote about?
Were you able to get the math to work out? Specifically in "My Vaults" Mint aUSD, LCDOT position is shown with an Asset Price of $14.29 (example).
Then, in my "Acala" portfolio, LCDOT has the same position as "My Vaults", and has a Value.
However, I'm trying to work out the math, and when I take the Value in the portfolio and divide it by the position, it's not coming out to the Asset Price. Did I miss something or calculate incorrectly?
I appreciate your time, thanks!
No Idea @TheProfesserf... maybe you should ask this question in acala discord?
I have not done the maths, so can't comment on this.
Got it, thank you.
Here is the Acala discord invite link - ask questions there!!
I appreciate it