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RE: When pointillism meets watercolor & ink

Awesome work! Inspired me to try out some watercolor paints again soon as well. Not that I'm anywhere near as good as the stuff you create, but I love doing it as well. This one is super cool and I'd say experiment of mixed media turned out fine!


Hey! Thank you very much! I am so pleased that this inspired you to try out watercolor painting. It will relax you so much! For me it has been of great help in moments of stress and anxiety. There is something soothing and magical in watching water and color recreate the images from your imagination. It doesn't has to be perfect, it has to be just you!

Well spoken, it's so true, it doesn't have to be perfect but indeed something that feels right for the creator.. Thanks for your comment, and don't forget to mint that piece! It's great!

Yes, if it feels right in your heart then the rest it really doesn't matter.

I just minted it as I have put it on @nftshowroom. I am new with the whole nft stuff, slowly learning