The experience of living in a country ruled by the absurd - POB Word of the Week : Outrageous #009

Outrageous seems to have been created exclusively for the current president of Brazil. Maybe you, from whoever knows where, also identify with that phrase and think that your president is a sick person like ours. On second thought, this is unfortunately very common in the history of politics, isn't it? Nor is it just about not pleasing a portion of the population. It's funny to think that our current president managed to convert the vast majority of people who were on his side (the right) through absurd and irresponsible acts. Little by little he was digging his own grave, and I am an example of that, that I expected something from him that he seemed to be able to offer, to change Brazil a little for the better. I don't know if the older we get, the more we are dissatisfied with the policy or the more we are aware of the fact that all this outrageous behavior that some people undergo.


The experience of living in Brazil today is probably unique. We live in a country in itself that is too difficult to govern, too large and with extreme cultural variations. We don't know how to manage all our absurd potential, it's like if we had the best weapons in our hands and we don't know how to use them. I live in a small town in southern Brazil, and that makes me, in a way, privileged. Why? Here the culture is more solidified, education has a considerable level of quality, crime is even mild compared to the hell it must be in some parts of the country. But I notice a constant wear and tear on Brazilians in general, not only because we are living through this disgraceful pandemic that is destroying our mental health and taking thousands of people under the ground, but because, in addition to all that, we are facing an exhausting, disheartening economic situation. These are too common problems to complain about, but, what makes this drama tragicomic is exactly the main figure in the story: The President of the country.


Bolsonaro he is a chaotic, insane, absurd, disgusting, uncomfortable, and outrageous figure. Day after day he deepens his ignorance in acts and behavior, he literally is a reflection of the silent generation of the worst kind. It practically spurred the vast majority of "fake news" that govern our current state in this ideological war over the use of hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin. He gave countless speeches of "zero regret" regarding the Brazilian path towards the collapse of health, disregard for deaths and total denial of the danger of the virus.

If outrageous isn't the key word for this man, I don't know what else it would be. I even got discouraged from continuing this text and I end it here. Not even offensive words this man deserves. Every opportunity the right had to grow and show its logic and reason at certain angles within the current democracy went down the drain thanks to his gaping stupidity! Congratulations! I just want to make it clear that I'm in favor of several ideas that the right has, and I'm very encouraging of the vision of Paulo Guedes, the guy who is trying to make the economy survive in chaos, but you can't do a miracle with a retarded person in charge.


This was my outrageous content for POB Word of the Week from @calumam

Thomas HN Blum


Ultrajante parece ter sido criada exclusivamente para o atual presidente do Brasil. Talvez você de sei lá onde, também se identifica com essa frase e pensa que seu presidente é um doente mental como o nosso. Pensando bem isso é até infelizmente muito comum na história da política não é mesmo? E nem tem a ver apenas com não agradar uma parcela da população. É engraçado pensar que nosso atual presidente conseguiu converter a grande maioria das pessoas que estava do seu lado (a direita) através de atos absurdos e irresponsáveis. Pouco a pouco foi cavando seu próprio túmulo, e eu sou um exemplo disso, que esperei dele algo que parecia que poderia oferecer, para mudar um pouco o Brasil para melhor. Não sei se quanto mais velhos ficamos mais ficamos insatisfeitos com a política ou mais atentos ficamos com o fato de que todo esse comportamento ultrajante que alguns se submetem.


A experiência de viver no Brasil hoje é única provavelmente. Vivemos em um país por si só difícil demais de governar, muito grande e com variações extremas de culturas. Não sabemos administrar todo o nosso potencial absurdo, é como se tivéssemos as melhores armas nas mãos e não sabemos utiliza-las. Eu vivo em uma cidade pequeno no sul do Brasil, e isso faz de mim, de certa forma um privilegiado. Por que? Aqui a cultura é mais solidificada, a educação tem um nível considerável de qualidade, o crime é até que bem leve comparado ao inferno que deve ser em algumas partes do país. Mas percebo um desgaste constante do brasileiro de forma geral, não só por que estamos vivendo essa pandemia desgraçada que vem acabando com nossa sanidade mental e levando milhares de pessoas para baixo da terra, mas por que além de tudo isso, enfrentamos uma situação econômica desgastante, desanimadora. São problemas comuns demais para se reclamar, mas, o que torna esse drama tragicômico é exatamente a figura principal da história: O Presidente do país.


Bolsonaro é uma figura caótica, insana, absurda, nojenta, desconfortável e ultrajante. Dia após dia aprofunda sua ignorância em atos e em comportamentos, ele literalmente é um reflexo da geração silenciosa brasileira da pior espécie. Praticamente impulsionou a grande maioria das "fake news" que regeram nosso atual estado nessa guerra ideológica à respeito do uso da hidroxicloroquina e ivermectina. Deu inúmeros discursos de "zero arrependimento" à respeito dos rumos brasileiros de colapso da saúde, descaso pelas mortes e total negacionismo do perigo do virus.

Se ultrajante não é a palavra chave para esse homem, eu não sei qual outra seria. Eu até desanimei de continuar esse texto e acabo ele por aqui. Nem palavras ofensivas um homem desse merece. Toda a oportunidade que a direita tinha de crescer e mostrar sua lógica e razão em determinados ângulos dentro da atual democracia foram por água abaixo graças a estupidez escancarada dele! Parabéns! Só quero deixar claro que sou a favor de várias ideias que a direita tem, e sou bastante incentivador da visão do Paulo Guedes, o cara que está tentando fazer a economia sobreviver no caos, mas não dá pra fazer milagre com um retardado no comando.


Esse foi meu conteúdo ultrajante para o POB Word of the Week do @calumam

Thomas H N Blum

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I'm so sorry to hear that, Thomas! We're no better here in Canada with Comrade Trudeau at the helm... he is a puppet to the Chinese and the IMF. We're in such big trouble globally that I don't know if we can avoid the incoming shitstorm-- civil wars, famines, et cetera. That's their plan.

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we need to avoid that shitstorm....

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I hear you... and I agree. But I honestly don't see a way out. Before the vaccine rollout, we might've had a chance. We're too deep now.

Interesting to know that, kill! The vision we have of countries like Canada is that it is a paradise, but I imagine that every place has its difficulties and its political rolls! I hope things work out there too!

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I noticed that absurd was just one word in a long list of words to describe the situation of Brazil and its President.

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oof. I don't know what are the "left" or "right" views in Brazil. I know what you meant with those terms in American, so all I can suggest is that you keep speaking up and speaking out against those you disagree with. I ran for political office once. It is a whole different game in itself. It was like nothing I had ever tried before. I found that no matter what position I held or my opponents held, there was always someone who thought differently...which means you better know what you believe yourself if you ever decide to run. Outrageous is probably the right term for the political folks you disagree with...There will always be someone who's going to ruin the country if they remain in power too long...I feel I have that problem with my current president, too...Que Deus te abneçoa e tu país!

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left and right are 2 sides of the same coin.
while people fight. government rules with no moderations, high salaries and comfortable zone.
brazil is divided into 2 sides. need a government for 90% of people.

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Thanks for the comment! Really what is important is to have a position (and preferably a lucid vision about the political reality), I imagine that there will always be disagreement regardless of the position. May God bless your country too, friend!

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It's a little strange but in this case I prefer to keep out of sight as much as possible
I mean here the media show

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Essa primeira imagem que você usou é bem forte mas muito representativa da realidade. O homem que foi eleito com a promessa que nos livraria da corrupção é o mesmo que agora está levando o país para um lugar muito pior do que qualquer outro governo o fez

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exato. e sabe o que é pior. o povo quer reeleger ele ou o outro cara que nos deixou nessa zika.
como pode. um tem 48% de rejeição. outro tem 50% rejeição... como povo ainda quer levar ambos para um 2° turno?

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Foi uma imagem propositalmente exagerada hahha. Mas só para dar um impacto ao conteúdo mesmo. E pode ser que pareça que defendo "o outro lado", mas como já foi dito, os dois lados de uma mesma moeda. Eu sou bastante cuidadoso em julgar como certo ou errado os lados políticos, só fico muito puto com a questão do descaso pela saúde mesmo.

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Can you obtain hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin in Brazil?

Yes, definetly, and also is a argumentation war here. People against, people fight for use. It's a big mess

Many patients have been treated with these drugs and have recovered. Hydroxychloroquine is for early onset of the disease. Vitamin C + D + Zn. Careful they put Aspertame in some vitamins products which have been shown to cause brain cancer in rats.

Check out this video about that:


As I said, this is a topic that has become very controversial in Brazil, I don't know what the external view about this topic on other countrys, but here the argument of the "media scientists" is that if Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin were really a real cure for the disease, countries much more advanced in tactical games would have adopted the protocol early on and it seems that it failed in several countries. I'm very open and I do a lot of research, I can't confirm which side of this ideological war is correct, but what I do know is that the issue of using high doses of vitamin D, C and zinc does help.
I have done this protocol and have studied the subject a lot. This is what has guaranteed me a strong immunity in these last two years of the pandemic! Thanks for the comment, friend!

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The goal of the medical system is to make money for big pharma. It's purpose is not to keep you healthy. These drugs have been widely available for decades, to suddenly ban them when they have been effective says something. The fact that the CEO of Phizer is not going to take his own medicine, says something. The fact that medical staff do not want the vaccine for themselves also says something.

Don't ask people what they believe, watch what they do and you have your answer. This is why I upvoted my own post on the post about up-voting. I knew I would not get true answers on how the community felt about it until I did. There was one saying it was okay but later he flagged me for the self-vote. People are complex. They will sometimes not know how they really feel about an issue until they are in it.

I have no hash judgement for those who have this complexity. We live in a world full of contradictions.

Esse momento que o Brasil está vivendo não tem nem mais nome. Sinceramente, qualquer dose otimismo se perde no meio de tanta decepção.

A primeira imagem do post reflete exatamente o presidente: um ser totalmente podre!

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