Racial division is getting stoked at a fever pitch in the mainstream media, and it's all part of the effort to conquer the people. The more government can effectively divide, fractionate, and cause people to feel marginalized, the better their chances are at bringing in the new system of their corporate overlords who brought us this one. However, before they bring in this new operating system, there has to be a great reset or a reformat, if you will.
Now, if you're unfamiliar with computers and operating systems, someone like Bill Gates will tell you; Before you can install a new operating system, you have to remove the people off the face of the earth. I mean, you have to format or delete the data from the hard drive. Tomato tomahto, not that there's a big difference between the two.
Seeing as how data is the new oil and people generate the data, now that we've given all this data to them freely, there's no reason for TPTB to keep us around anymore because they already have enough information to feed their AI God. All of our base(s) are belong to them, and we've been weighed, measured, and found wanting. Therefore we get classified as useless eaters, a drain on the world's resources, and thus eligible for their final solution.
Should we make this easy for them and go gently into that good night, the better place, the great sleep, or the eternal rest? Perhaps if we fall for the programming and learn to hate our fellow countrymen because of their skin color—then the government will make our deaths less painful? Maybe it would be better for blacks to think that all whites are racists? Or perhaps whites should believe the culture creators and that all black people can do is commit crimes, deal drugs, play basketball, and rap about violence?
Then again, instead of falling for their tricks, what if we were to find a common enemy? What if this common enemy was so dangerous that it sought to end most human life on the planet? What if people of all races, colors, and creeds stopped the divisiveness overnight to come together in a common cause of ending the great reset in its tracks by peacefully refusing their deadly vaccines?
Whether you know it or not, this is what's going on today, and you can be an integral part of it. Ask yourself this, if you knew the vaccine was based on faulty technology and might go on to kill billions of people, who would you warn, and do you think you could do it fast enough? Just remember, if you warn at least five people and everyone else does the same because not dying is a damn good idea. The effect of this is an exponential awakening process.
I don't know if you've ever heard of the 100th monkey effect. However, to sum it up, it's a combination of monkey see, monkey do, good ideas traveling fast, and an exponential growth in awareness in any given population. I find it funny that I used to think of this as a mystical phenomenon in the past. It's clear now that monkeys, just like people, have their style of communicating, and just as people do, if they ran across a good idea, they'd share it with others. And the snowballing effect of this leads to an exponential growth of awareness in the monkey population.
'Let's just say' that monkeys have been memeing since before we had a dictionary definition for the word. But we humans do it in a variety of different ways. If you're rich and powerful enough, you can have the news media generate any meme that you like, and the mind virus, if it sounds pithy enough, will spread like a "pandemic of the unvaccinated."
Unfortunately for us non-billionaires, if we want a meme to spread virally on an exponential level, it at the very least has to be entertaining or a damn good idea! Well, as far as damn good ideas are concerned, how about not dying from an iatrogenic disease? As you may or may not know, "the science is settled," the mRNA vaccines will likely kill people en-mass and should never have gotten rolled out in the first place.
Granted, the MSM will tell you just the opposite of reality, and that's because that's what they get paid to do. If big pharma was funding your business, you might feel obliged to toe the line as well. Ultimately, what it all comes down to, is, do you value your soul/integrity? If not, how much do you want for it?
In the video below, you'll find two people whose souls are arguably not for sale, and um, the two have got a fantastic idea! It's called not getting murdered by the pharmaceutical industry. And they, just like myself, would like for you to spread this caution to the people who are still alive.
Now watch as Alex Jones and Rizza Islam engage in a formal truth-spitting session about the vaccine depopulation agenda and why it's paramount that we are to resist as if though our very lives depend on it.
Comments and ideas are welcome!
I guess I have got some meaningful realization from your post. Thanks well.
You'll be happy to learn that at proofofbrain.org, you can embed videos from Infowars by using the embed codes or URLs as is:
Ahh, this isHas that gone live?
very cool work, @leprechaun! https://freeworldnews.tv/watch?id=610b15ec4b401c2c26621b15
Yes. Proofofbrain.org and proofofbrain.blog.
Had some keychain issues with the .org version.
"Process could not be completed due to server error."
What were you trying to do at the time?
I'm looking into it right now. Thank you for telling me.
Thanks for sharing!