Can You Effectively Protest COVID-19 Testing, Vaccines, and Masks?

in Proof of Brain4 years ago (edited)

How many of us have seriously asked ourselves this question? Besides, most people aren't going to wear the mask all the time because not only is it highly impractical, but it's also ineffective and potentially dangerous to our respiratory health. Additionally, the man in the video below insists the COVID-19 tests got sprayed in ethylene oxide. This substance is commonly found in antifreeze and is highly carcinogenic.


So these six blokes, who are concerned fathers, and their cameraman proceed to cooly walk over to the copshop in Bromley, England, on High St. like that slow-motion scene out of Reservoir Dogs when the main characters are exiting the diner in the opening credits. They walk in all calm and collected, but why you ask? They did it to report evidence of murder, of course!

Riveting, right? I know, very! So they effectively piqued the interest of the drone working at the front desk. Enough to get the attention of a senior officer, anyhow. As the Sergeant approaches the group a few minutes later, the fathers then present their evidence, proof of mass fraud, poisoning, and an overarching conspiracy that will target their children.

And this is why they're speaking with the enforcement branch of their local government. Not only to protect the kids but to save these police officers from themselves by adequately putting them on notice that they will be liable for whatever harm their enforcement actions bring to their community. It should suffice to say that concerned parents worldwide ought to note the actions taken by the men in this video. Perhaps this article will find its way to those who will study the model these guys set forth and turn it into a simple and actionable set of steps that any parent can easily follow.

However, you might ask yourself, what's the psychological effect of this? All you have to do is put yourself in the woman's shoes. She's a police Sergeant, but she could have given birth to a child of her own. If not that, surely she knows someone with kids. She will have to ask herself: What happens if she enables a child to get murdered by these experimental vaccines? Perhaps the parent of the dead kid will hold her personally responsible. And if that's the case, she's going to have to hope the parent doesn't turn to vigilantism.

I believe the safest move for the enforcer class is to distance themselves as far away from this culling operation as humanly possible. When the people realize the damage they've caused, the blowback is bound to get potentially violent and downright nightmarish. I hope that it doesn't get that way, but you can't expect people to calmly march and kneel in front of a hole in the ground knowing that they, or their young, are to get lethally shot.

London Police Station Gets Put on Notice.

Thanks for stopping by!
Big-up to @aagabriel
for sharing the clip!


thanx for the tag.
This was an interesting "Fact Check" as I assumed the ethylene oxide's use as a sterilization agent related specifically to face masks. This fact check says it is "partly true" (they use the label partly false, but hey I'm a glass half full sorta guy).

For sure, in this case, the men were presenting the tests themselves. So, whatever kind of elongated Q-Tip from hell they're using, it gets soaked in the potent ethylene oxide neurotoxin. Then they insert it miles long into your face and proceed to screw it rotationally a prescribed amount of times into the moist and soft palate that's the nasopharynx. And I guess this invasive testing is getting carried out multiple times a day. I can see where a mask might be less likely to cause damage, but the testing itself is so invasive, gets the swab moist and mixes the chemicals into your body. Who knows, so many things are going on at once. When you know they're out on a culling mission, gotta question all the things and stuff. Thanks for sharing that, @aagabriel. I didn't realize they were using this stuff on more than the tests themselves!

It's a common hospital-grade sterilizing agent and thanks to you too. I had no idea it was being used on the PCR-test swabs (even though I watched that vid and linked it to you lol)

Hello @thoughts-in-time, I am very happy that there are people who question everything related to that bug, with the masks and the vaccine, sorry but I do not even like to name it, because through my mouth that bug does not gain more power . It is that we have to go a little beyond what our eyes see and what our ears hear. Everyone trusts what they see and hear ... What if everything they say about this error is not true? What if they had squared everything so perfectly that the humans themselves gave this monstrosity more strength Let's not underestimate the intelligence of dark minds, because they can be very intellectual ...
Of course I would call them "fallen intellectuals", because they use their great intelligence for evil ... There is something that goes around in my mind, related to the diagnoses of people who supposedly have "the bug", and that is when a person enters to a hospital, supposedly with symptoms of the bug, then the doctors take care of the patient and no longer let him see for his relatives, they do not give them information about the treatment they are applying, and
the relatives have the uncertainty, if you do not know how your family member is and if he dies, they are in charge of saying "He died because of the bug" and that's it, then the relatives do not have the possibility of doing an autopsy or something that verifies for what their relative died, in reality .. It seems to me personally that something they hide and that there are other petty interests of money and power behind all this and something even more rotten than an ordinary human can perceive, it smell bad I don't see anything to do with love for humanity. This is far from it. Maybe I could tell you a bit more, but I don't want to impose my ideas, it's just my opinion on all this crap about the bug, the vaccine and the masks ,,,

Well said, @benavides54! Thanks for sharing your very
important insights and key observations into the matter!

I agree, it is a culling. Soft Kill or otherwise. It is just one of many actions that will forever change this world. All of which travel under the NWO umbrella. RESPECT

Thx for sharing your thoughts,
@fracasgrimm! RESPECT! ~ 🙏 ~

Everybody goes to get vaccinated like a sheep. So how to protest? After some time, unvaccinated persons will look like a potential virus carrier.

If you hold out long enough, the only persons left might be the unvaccinated ones. I hope it's not that bad, but I don't underestimate the pure evil behind this great reset scheme.

I believe that they won't accept unvaccinated persons for plane, bus, mall, etc. There will be a kind of force to get vaccinated.

I'll happily avoid all those places until there are so few customers left that they'll be forced to accept any and all persons regardless of their vaccination status.

Unfortunately, people in my country rush into such places after lockdown.

Ahh, I'm sorry to hear that.

One question @videosddiction, do you really want to live like this?

we all know about conspiracy theories, the government will always try to cover up many casualties from the side effects of the vaccine.

social distancing is the best, but we cannot say that it has not distorted the economy enough, still trying to blend in though.

because the side effects on pregnant women and old people and some others persons with some conditions, protest might not really solve the problems.

to be honest, I do not know what might save us and be eradicate covid-19 without any damages

Thanks for sharing your perspective on the matter, @buttonn!

I think social distance is the best,using of noise mask always to me is not advisable

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Thanks for sharing your thoughts, @abbey877!