In today's world, whereby there are all sort of things happening around us, both the good and bad. Seeking for help in which way to go, where human minds are worried on what next would happen to the world. Christians find joy and meekness in the word of God " God being the light of our path and a lamb to our feet"
God is our heavenly father, he guides us in which step next to take in life.
Every human created have a path to choose and follow, the right or the wrong path, whichever one we chose.
With the guidance of the parents and wise adults, children or younger ones are able to choose the right path.
After the heavenly father, the parents are the light to their children's life through the kind of life they lived while they nurtured the children.
They are the role model to the younger ones.
A child does not just develop a speaking language, for instance the mother tongue on his or her own or an habit, he or she might have learnt such language or habit from the parent. Different examples that portray that younger ones look up to their parents for guidance and assistance.
Most unsuccessful youths and adults on the street today, blame their parent for their failure, they tell different stories that proved their parents to be a bad guidance to the lives whole growing up.
Parents are to live by good example for themselves and their children.
Bad parenting produces bad children, parents are meant to be role models to the children, we should be good parents to the children, show and lead them to the right way, live by good examples to them thereby guiding them through the right path of their lives.
Well said @timmypath parents are supposed to be the role model of their children, so at all times parents should live a righteous life, a life worthy of emulation.
God has given children as gifts to parents to direct and guide on the right path to follow in His glory.
Very true