in Proof of Brain3 years ago

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Living in the darkness is a melancholic feeling of loneliness and suppressing will to fight in people with depression. While listening to this song from Casting Crown.
"Waiting on the night to fall," this inspires me to share instead how awesome the message this song has, and of course encouraging ourselves to conquer the darkness.

The first few lines of this song is a great reminder...

"There's an old man living in the back of your woods tonight.........."

This reminded us that we all have this old man inside us, that is our old self. The person we are hiding because he/she has been a part of our dark past. We hide it, some conceal it, we bury these dark memories in those little corners of our mind. Often we forgot that it was there, we said that we've moved on but then when life teases us with its tricks and surprises, the scraps of our dark past resurface hurting us, the fear make us tremble again, and the pain still magnifies in the dark. The old man, our old self smiles again when life hits us rock bottom, because life is a surprise party. We might like it or not, we have to deal with it. And how we deal with it is different between people, some rises up and some don't. There are people who chooses to remain in the dark. We see them smiling and carefree, some are successful people, and good-humored. But then inside are empty vessels, when alone they're crying in pain and agony. They're unseen, struggling.

There is always something that we can do. We are smarter and stronger than any creature in this planet to thrive and survive. Nevertheless, our mind perhaps can defeat us because inside that head is a battlefield. A ground where good and evil, our fear and reasoning is at war. When we always have a choice to dust off and fight back.

In the song, our answers lies dusty in our shelf. The book we often neglect to use - the Bible, offers wisdom and understanding about life and our battles within, promises that our strength comes from Him, we can dismiss our enemies in that battlefield. Indeed, we are already conquerors, but sometimes we missed it because life is overwhelming! Battles are continually never ending and exhausting, our mind is also in a persistent fight, how we make our mind fit to endure everything is up to us, or we can simply let go.

Why? Is a question I often hear from people who lost their loved ones from suicide. I don't know why we always miss seeing the reason beforehand. It's sad and painful.

A person struggling mentally and emotionally can sometimes not see, and sometimes nobody believe. Must be because they're in the dark...But despite being in the dark try as much as possible to leave the old man; your old self behind, so that you will be able to pursue the new version of yourself.

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It's good to try and forget the old self because if you don't strive to forget it will keep on hunting us@tiwa.
Nice write-up.

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" A person struggling mentally and emotionally can sometimes not see, and sometimes nobody believe. Must be because they're in the dark...But despite being in the dark try as much as possible to leave the old man; your old self behind, so that you will be able to pursue the new version of yourself"

That is really so true

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