This is my first post to the POB community. It's only today that I discovered it and it seems quite the place to be right now! So here it goes :)
It's kind of funny that this graffiti was staring in our faces in front of a covid-19 testing station
The test center's entrance was right next to this mural. Coincidence? Perhaps. It's a pretty cool painting I have to say and is especially accentuated by how it has aged; flakes of paint have been falling off with the years revealing the layers beneath it.
It's a painting that stares into your soul, screaming for attention, stirring something within you that is disturbing at a deeper level. Of course that's the reminder of death as it is so saliently portrayed here. And death is something that we usually try to avoid.
So having this reminder at the entrance of a covid-19 test center is going to do something with the people standing in line; at the very least on a subconscious level. Covid-19 is a disease that reminds people of death. And it has preoccupied people's consciousness for more than a year now. That also has to do something to the human consciousness as a whole on some level. And it's probably not positive.
Being constantly reminded of death is going to change you; is going to change people. And it seems that people react to this or cope with this very individually. People have acquired certain strategies in their lives that they apply in stressful situations. And these strategies or resources will heavily impact the way that you live your life and where you will find yourself at the end of the day. Will you look at the world with worrying eyes or are you able to feel confidence in that this situation will eventually pass and that things will get better again?
I think it's important to deal with death in life. To actually understand what it means. Which means that one has to confront one's ego as this is the quintessence of one's existence. Not fearing death essentially means to not be identified with one's ego as fear stems from "losing" it. But is that part that one is so strongly involved with really eternal? Perhaps. I don't have all the answers of course.
Some people say there is reincarnation. Which would mean that you or your ego returns in a body of another human being. There are many reports of this taking place which are hard to dismiss if one looks in the literature. So that may be one possibility. But it could also be that the ego simply vanishes. Some people say that this happened to them when they had an enlightenment. And that this enlightenment revealed the illusionary nature of the ego. With this revelation the ego simply dissolved.
But such an insight would essentially mean that such a person has died to him or herself. Such a person would then be free of the fear of death and fear as a whole. Is something like this possible? Is this something that would be interesting to find out before one "actually" dies? In other words, can one die before one dies? And what does such a life with this kind of insight entail? What kind of living would this be?

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Good insights and questions. I enjoyed reading your post and welcome to the POB community! :)
I feel like the last few years I have tried to divorce myself from my ego (if that is even possible). Look at myself and my choices in life with more of an outsiders perspective. I guess that might be considered the dying before one dies you were mentioning.
Thanks for sharing. :)
I am already excited, lots of new people and activity! Yes, that is kind of what I meant. I mean, for me it's not necessarily getting rid of the ego as it serves useful functions like self preservation, survival etc. But it seems that if one knows its place and its limitations, one can live a lot freer
That is a good point. I have definitely been more free and happy the last few years not letting my ego run all aspects of my life.
Not letting your ego run aspects of life is a good decision made by you,ego destroys alot of things,it destroys family,relationships,career etc...ego makes us to always believe that we can never go wrong...
Agreed, an unchecked ego can lead to a lot of pain for all involved.
I do not believe in reincarnation but death is the reality which we know of, covid-19 has brought people to the reminder that no one is infallible by all means and that death is a reality which we should someone accept it's inevitability and live right. The mural is quite a paradox that sorrounds the reality of where that covid-19 center is.
yes, we have to accept it- some take longer tha others, and some research about how to cheat death... I guess the question I am asking here is, can one "die" in life, in the sense that the ego dies? Does that question make sense?
Nice artwork