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RE: POB TALK 24/10/2021 - #148

in Proof of Brain3 years ago

Hello every one hope we are fine
I have this question bordering my mind and I think this is the place for me to discuss and have peoples view about it


From the time of old, there have been the poor and the rich. Why then are the poor getting poorer, i guess it have to deal with the words called connections and risk
The rich already is wealthy and will definitely take consideration when taking risk that involves money, an well, s/he have the connections to make things happen while the poor have none of these. But with careful calculation and calculated risk taker will always join the billionaire if s/he put the brain to work. That's one reason we have proof of brain.

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Most of the poor makes money or borrow money to spend why the rich makes money or borrow money to invest.

Also the rich have connections that help them in their risk management and decisoins making.

The poor can be rich if, they learn how to invest more and spend less.

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I agree with you on this the rich make use of their connection to get what they want, in fact they gave their sons and daughter hand in marriage just for the connection and the relationship to be cordial, and the poor case is the opposite, but a wise poor man can make use of his little investment to become rich,
Good one @funshee thanks for your contribution

Definitely and that is what life is all about, having the investor's mind set, nothing is as good as investing in life,it is like buying a future you are yet to see for yourself

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I think the answer is quite simple.
Every one wants to associate with the rich, so the rich tend to have more connects and greater ways of becoming richer. Its a upward movement, the moment you seem to have a lot, you tend to be freely given more. Even in the bible the guy who had more talents was given more to add to what he had.

The poor are one of the smartest people in the world but one reason the poor remains poor or becomes poorer is because of the nature of humans..most people after making it and becoming rich they forget to lift up the next man. God didn't create the poor and the rich, human nature did. Their greed did and their lack of a helping hand

This is another grate contribution from @chincoculbert you are very correct in your comment God never create any body poor or anyone rich all what God created are wonderfully made and specially made and are all beautiful,human create the gap them self's because of greed, we need to help our self in other to lift one another up, let be smart and be wise to invest no matter how little Thanks so much for your contribution @chincoculbert

Thank you so much for the great question.

I hope they'll be a time that humans would be sensible enough to bridge the gap between poverty and riches.

Someday maybe? @chincoculbert

Someday my brother 💪💪❤️

They are poor who stupid not to see opportunity in front of him but sorry to say the system as always be build for some people to be poor and for some people to be rich ,for example it is easy for any rich people to borrow money from the bank than the poor ,for a poor man to be rich it will take alot of effort than rich man getting more richer because the system as already give the poor man 2:0 , because if some did not have money it always kill idea
But that is not an excuse anyway poor man will be rich if he doesn't give up

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You have a very good point @ajanaku but nobody is born rich in a day, but one can inherit riches and one can also inherit poor it is vise vassal, but one can only remain to be poor if he or she refuse to keep moving and identify opportunities coming his or her way it is a matter of choice if you want to remain poor or rich don't give up always look for opportunities make research don't settle for less believe in your self and one day you might hit the jack pot thanks for your contribution @ajanaku

Definitely once opportunities are well make use of ,it will be fine for them too one day or I should just say for us too one day,but one thing I also subscribe too in life is the stage of meeting tur right people in life,this also has a long way to help too in life

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It's not like the poor are not intelligent or that the rich are smarter, it's all about determination, seeing opportunity and recognizing such opportunity.
Also most poor are only concerned about seeing food on their table, once they have something to eat, then they're fine but this is not the case with the rich, they don't stop. They keep finding ways to make more money and it's that determination to make more money that keeps them going.
And I also believe that no one is destined to be poor, Yes you might be born into a poor home and that is never a ticket to poverty.
Getting Rich requires hardwork and determination, getting poor requires nothing, absolutely nothing.

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I know all this easy to say but the fact still remains the system already build to favour some people than others ,it easy for rich people than to be richer than poor people than to richer but this is not an excuse ,, everything depends on determination,it will takes alot of hard work especially if you are a man

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Hmmmm hard work a key, that is very wright and if you work hard and be zealous about what you do and believe in your self there is no limit to what you can achieve thanks for the comment @ajanaku

Hi, and I'm fine.
To your question; there's no rule for being poor and being rich, everything flows according to God's plan. Although, the poor can become rich if he spends less, invest more, takes risk, plan accordingly, takes good advice, sacrifice and smartly connect...and the rich can become poor if it does otherwise.
However, aside God's plan, I have noticed that the poor gets poorer because of the above and the rich gets richer because of their approach.
Take an example of someone (poor) who struggled to acquire a college certificate and because he feels he should earn more than an offer given to him, he rejected it and said the country is so bad, he has been getting offers that below him; and there's another also from a poor background, he takes the offer not because the offer is too small but because he is going to build his career while at it then get a better job with better offer.
The about example means the first one is going to get poorer both with career and funds and the other will get richer in carear and funds because he will get a better offer.

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You are very correct with your response that it all depends of once view and God plans, but to be realistic one must be able to identify his or her weakness and his or her strength and be able to identify opportunities and to move with people of values who can add value to your life and not the greed one thanks for your comment

The reason is the poor keep repeating the same mistakes. While some try to live above their means and don't recognize the value of money. At the end, it's all about the right mentality.

No one want to be poor some just found them self in a poor family and it can also be difficult for such people to come out of it,anyway you have your own opinion and no one can question that, but I agreed with having the right mentality
Thanks for you contribution @jersteemit

There are successful stories of people going from Rags to riches. There is no rule that says Poor can't be rich or the rich can't be poor. Its just how the life is. There will be always two sides of coin. Moreover everything has its own role to play in life. How well one makes out of his life matters the most. But Honestly in last few decades the gap between rich and poor has widened so much, and it will keep going on further. The middle class is badly hit. It's not about smartness or destination.

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Good one @vikbuddy you are very right and you have just done justice to the topic in your own way let's hear from others and see their own view to the topic good one @vikbuddy