Unlike you, I was very much exposed to the bible since birth. We went to church at least twice a week, prayed at least twice a day, read the bible at least once a day, and if that's not enough to demonstrate my point all I have to say is that my grandfather was basically the founder of the Methodist church for a country.
I didn't have to learn about god, it was always there, it was drilled into me. It was very contradicting at times, but the one strong message was that god knew it all, was always present, and was good and fair. I was also told that god was on my side, and that he loved me.
I am not a Christian, in fact, if I could snap my fingers and get rid of all bibles I would. Because though I understand good things can be had from those writings, I also understand how much they messed me up. But then, isn't maybe the bible one of those necessary sorrows? Could it not be a much-needed test of strength? Is it perhaps a test to see if us people will say "you know what, maybe this little part right here needs some revising" or at least say "hey guys, I'm not sure we should be praising the drowning of the entire world and all animals to save only one incestuous family."
Will we dare doubt god knowing he can make us (or let us) suffer beyond imagination? Will we dare say "this is not okay!"? Will someone out there take on the Jesus-like sacrifice of voicing disagreement against the all-knowing and all-powerful being that is somehow also capable of anger (surprise needed for anger?) despite knowing things in advanced?
I have ZERO, none, absolutely no fear for the Christian god or any god that I'm aware of. The only thing I fear is people reacting in fear and unnecessary pain for my relatives.
Do you want to know why I don't fear that god I was raised learning about? Because I know I'm good too, even if I make mistakes. I KNOW THAT I AM GOOD and YOU know that you are good too. And if that god is real and can see it all then he will be able to tell that I did the best I could...and the best I could right now is to reject him. There is no constructive teaching in the bible that I have not been able to find elsewhere in some other form...I prefer to look elsewhere and not put myself in the position of having to find a way to justify, or worse, simply accept, murdering the first child of any nation or demographic.
I do appreciate you sharing this though, the Solomon verses were undeniably beautifully written. It's not that I don't give merit to these scriptures being of positive inspiration for some, whatever works for each person I guess.
My version of the Solomon quote "How will you know it's light and not fire if you've never known cold or darkness?"