Greetings everyone my dear fellow hivers. How did you all spend your weekend? I hope it was great. This is my first post here in the Proof of Brain community and very much excited to be part of it.
Last weekend it was tiring day for me because I did a general cleaning in our house however it was satisfying when I saw our home clean and organized. My DVD collection caught my eyes. I have more than hundreds of tapes and most of it are Korean series. My mother told me what I should do with these DVD since I can watch movie in gadgets. As I listened to my mother, I started to wonder what I should really do this DVD collection. However, I kept continue what I am doing and looking through my DVD collection and arranging them. I was thinking how I am crazy I used to be with trending movies before especially Korean series. I watched lots of series and always waiting of the latest releases.
This series The Heirs I watched this six times hahaha I was so crazy with Lee Min Ho; I found this series both exciting and romantic. All of Lee Min Ho movies I watch it before, that's how I'm crazy being a fan.
My decision is split into half fifty percent of me wants to let go while the other fifty percent wants to keep them. This DVD might no longer in trend, but I don't want to discard them. When I was in College, I sacrificed my snack just to buy the DVD I wanted. I stopped buying DVD year 2016 since I started downloading the movies instead.
When I had a child, I seldom watched movies. As a mother I am busy taking care of my kids and also doing the household chores. I don't even know the latest trending movies now unlike before I was always stay updated.
That's it for today's blog. Thank you for reading my post. I would love to hear your thoughts and opinion. Till next time. God blessed everyone and keep safe.
Lead picture edited by canva.
I used to have a large collection of CDs and DVDs, but as new appliances stopped including players, my kids recycled them into toys. It was difficult to let go, but my minimalist mindset prefers not to hoard unused items
That's exactly what I am thinking letting go of these things. I don't know how to repurpose these tapes but now my toddler wants to scatter them all over the floor.