Time to consider what other words I've been using frequently without fully understanding the meaning behind them ...
Here are a couple to think about:
- story vs account
- believe vs affirm
Our pastor pointed out a few years ago that when we refer to "Bible stories" to our children, we inadvertently give the impression that they are just that, 'stories'. Whenever it is an historical account, we should use the word "account" (e.g. "the account of David and Goliath"), because it more accurately reflects truth and reality as opposed to fiction and mere storytelling.
Somewhere a few years ago, I read an article explaining why we should avoid saying "I believe" because of the relativism in society today. It is easier for someone to dismiss your 'beliefs' because they are just that, subjective beliefs.
If it is something that you believe with conviction, it is better to say "I affirm" -- this conveys not just that you "believe" something (in a subjective sense) but that you affirm it as objectively true. Doesn't mean they have to agree with you, just that you are drawing a line between subjective 'opinions' and claims of objective truth.