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RE: The Reset button was already pushed and the rest is smoke and mirrors... An Op/Ed

in Proof of Brain4 years ago

Our AXEY called out the Baphomet Gang right away, thanks Axey, you saved me from buying a lot of that shitcoin and having to dump it, likely at a loss, cuz the initial pump was so early, and it's now just approaching those levels again. The symbolism on EOS is undeniable.


God Bless you Undy,
The way to wait for a hero is to not...........................

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Yeah, I don't wait, I act.
Only way to Fly!!

oh give it patience and tg with the international crew will do our thing off here, it has no business on here but yes! if the place is going to turn into a dumbed down instagram space then it will be interesting to see "brain drain" won't it? ;) Love ya brahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

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