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It's another beautiful day here. Feeling A bit sick, but I'm sure I'll survive.
Taking A look at where you are and what you have achieved at this point in your life, Is There anything that you think is missing in your life?
They're still a lot of things missing in my life. But I can say it is a gradual growth. Soon I'll make it to that level. Good morning bro, sorry about your health, I hope you become fully recovered soon
It is definitely a gradual growth. Slow and steady wins the race.
Thank you very much. I really appreciate
Yeah..as long as the race is eventually won, haha.
Take good care of yourself my friend
I hope it is just an ordinary cold and not anything serious like Covid-19.
Get well soon!
No, it's just a slight cold. But I'm much better now. Thanks A lot for your concern
I'm not trying to be ungrateful though but there are some things still missing in my life.
But they're not all I can get at this time of my life so let's just say I'll have to be patient with the process to have all that.
One of them is my graduate certificate, I can't wait to get done with it and do something else 😅
I don't think you are being ungrateful by admitting that somethings are missing in your life.
I can imagine. Holding That certificate just gives you an amazing feeling, telling you that your many years in school wasn't a waste. And it makes you realize that you have completed a very important stage of your life.
As in ehn, the feeling is going to be wonderful. That's why I don't woory about people who spend so much just celebrate their graduation especially when they're sure of a good certificate
Can't wait for mine 😌
You'll soon get it right? In the nest year or so. What do intend to do after that?
Awww, so sorry about that. Please take good care of yourself, take your medications properly if it's needed and rest well.
Glory be God, I'm so thankful at this point of my life, there's a lot missing and I know with time, everything will be in place, it's a gradual process.
Thanks A lot. I'll try my best to take Care of myself. I think I'll take some days off work to get proper rest.
It is indeed A gradual process. With time you will definitely find all that is missing
Definitely friend but it's a gradual lifting on the earth 🌍 which I believe you can everything on the earth. Just let Keep moving gradually
I can't really say anything is missing. There's are some things I hope to achieve in the nearest future, nevertheless I think I'm complete at the moment and anything I get will be an addition to what I already have.
Aha.. Someone finally admits being complete. I like your point of view. Thanks for your feedback
Sorry man. Hope you get to an 100 soon health wise. Grateful for where I am currently but there are still alot of things I'm yet to tick. In the fullness of time, I believe I'll achieve them all
Thanks A lot. I appreciate that. I'll be back on my feet pretty soon.
Definitely with time all will be set in place. Thanks for your feedback
Maybe a fifty million dollar record contract would be nice or would that just ruin everything?
😂 I doubt if it would ruin anything... That's a really nice one, let's just hope you find it first 😅
Ruin everything? Definitely not.
Knowing history I think it is better not to sell out.
😂that is definitely something missing that you need to find as soon as possible. Believe me it would ruin nothing!
First I gotta learn how to sing^^
Ruin everything? Isn't that the highlight 😉
It can be fun sometimes. !PIZZA
For me everything is missing right now, I am bit of late in everything, I am a slow learner, lol. Not much achieved yet, still unmarried, unemployed, lol. But yeah things are going to be change soon, I hope to bring a total change in my life till next year. Have a good day and take care of your health. 😊🙏 !PIZZA
I refuse to believe that. I'd agree with you if you say somethings are missing, but not everything. Deep down I'm sure there are certain things you have accomplished in life.
That's the spirit. We will be here to hear your story next year.
Thanks A lot. I appreciate😊
I hope you get everything you need and all that is missing begin to fall in place.
Have any of you ever created NFT? Do you have plans to do so?
Truth is, I don't know what NFT is... I would appreciate having an explanation about it because I've seen post about it but not with explanation about what it really is. So I haven't created any but I might have plans to if I know how it's done.
Nice question.
I heard that's its not just about creating an NFT, it's about taking it to the market.
Everyone can create an NFT but it would be rather less lucrative if you don't have the forefront to advertise you creation and get people to patronize you.
NFts entail a lot.
I've not created NFT yet, though I'm still have the plan to do so soon
I haven't yet. Still trying to figure what it's all about
Nope I have on my own. But would be looking forward to start when I have a reduced work burden
Not yet and if I may ask am yet to knw more about it,,tell me more cause have been out for some Days now
I haven't started creating NFT yet, but I hope and plan of creating some soon.
I haven't yet!!
But I'm looking forward to creating one soon, it seems to be the happening thing right now
Wow you have yours? What's NFT about sir? Sadly, I don't know what it is 😬
Nice show room, I like the casualty and the true colors.
Casualty is a gift from @callumam and true colors is a mineopoly original^^
The colors are attractive. So bad, I don't know what NFT is...can you help us to understand how it works?
You have some really cool NFTsNow your creativity amuses me a lot @mineopoly.
Great question dear @esmeesmith,to me not yet but having it in back of my mind to a creat one with no time.if is the plan is really in mind to put it in place.
I have been hearing about NFT but I don't really know what it's all about...
I honestly don't know a lot about NFTs. I've had someone explain that it relates to art but I still don't get it
Yeah, I had just created one and that too for experiment and experience purpose. There is still a lot to learn for me now but I am excited and interested into it alot. Firstly I need to master digital art then I will make a cool NFT Collection for sure. Have a good day dear 😊🙏. !PIZZA
Hello People! Wtsupp?
It's the start of Navriti festival today, which kind of embarks the festive season in India that stays for about 40 days. The air in itself smells like that of a festival and it's a great feeling.
Which is your favorite festival, of your culture, and how do you celebrate it?
Wow, a festival that lasts 40 days. That must be so much fun.
There is this festival that normally comes up around February or March. It is called Ekpe festival
People come from different part of the country to witness the event.
The festival is celebrated by showcasing different masquerades, and there are certain volunteers who would come out to be pursued by the masquerades. If you are caught, you will be whipped, if not you get a price.
It's kind of crazy, all my life i have never volunteered to be pursued by the masquerade. Most of the volunteers don't really Care if they are whipped, they all count it as part of the fun.
The risk people take for fun.
Whenever I hear that this festival is coming up, I find a cozy spot in my house and sit my ass.
Some masquerades get angry and agitated and may end up doing drastic things.
Are you scared of them?
Well, I've not really had an encounter with them and I don't want to either... So I can't really say I'm scared of them.
Maybe you should try meeting them 🤣🤣
I can bet that I would run Helter skelter if they come close to me. Most of them are just too agressive.
😂😂 i can imagine. Only very few girls are bold enough to turn up for the festival. And if they eventually turn up, they observe from a safe distance
Yes. I'm one of those that keep my distance. I don't like rough play. 😂
Wow such a festival that lasts for 40 days would surely make an impart on the people before it ends.
I wonder the activities that take place all through those days, I'm just curious.
My favorite festival would be the new year celebration 😊
March 1st is Independence movement day. Every March 1st we reenact the independence march in the Independence park. People dress up as the Independence leaders. The interesting thing about these leaders is they all died in prison. Most of them died when the Japanese tested drugs on them.
Today the celebration is too political. Those people in the back were real leaders and gave their life for the country. Those guys in the front compromise everything and basically suck.
Do you see the woman in the middle with the yellow background? There is no one like her in history. She is the spirit of independence. Her name is Ryu Gwansun. Those guys in the front don't even deserve to be in the same picture.
Oh my, are you serious? The woman did so much than those men there? That's really great to hear as a woman 😊
Independence movement day, it's my first time hearing about such holiday but it's cool.
Very cool
@merit.ahama, you've been given LUV from @mineopoly.
Check the LUV in your H-E wallet. (1/10)
Wow that is pretty good boss,if I may ask which part of the world is this? And really it make everyone unit and have one believed when it come to a reaction to government.those pictures on the wall is a picture of the great leaders right?
Ryu Gwansun, you just made me want to make more research on the lady. I haven't really heard about her.
I like the festival. At least, that have leaders who are worth remembering
You would love her wholeheartedly
Now I do. Seen about her.
@wongi, you've been given LUV from @mineopoly.
Check the LUV in your H-E wallet. (3/10)
Thanks for the love😊
Seems like it will be an interesting festival. You guys seem to have a lot of festivals. We do too over but I'm not really one for the festivals
Wow, festival that lasts for 40day!...must be very interesting, I'm sure you get to see different creativity in the process. However, will the 40days be declared holiday in India?
I love one thing about Indians and it's their festive spirit. They love celebrating and they make everything look so colourful and beautiful.
A festival that runs for 40days? I want to know all about it. What are you celebrating? How is it celebrated? Everything!
Good day everyone ,I made a mistake of sending 500 PoB to @son001 yesterday instead of @son007,is there anyhow how I can rectify this ,and I think @son001 is not active because I check the account ,no comment ,no post
I really need your help all ,how can I get this PoB back
If the account is inactive, then that's a problem. Try dropping a message for the user, he might be a ghost blogger.Oh my. That is A very delicate mistake. I think the only way to rectify this is if @son001 sends it back. I don't think transfers can be reversed.
Oh that's just bad, I hope he come online and return the pob back.. You just have to leave a message for him.
I don't think you can get it back unless the person who received the coins decides to send it back to you.
That is why it is really important to check addresses when sending any cryptocurrency.
Wow, that's an irreversible mistake. Unless the user send it back I don't think there's a way to rectify it. Maybe try contacting them directly, leave a message if there are inactive
I almost forgot to leave my own comment on the post, having fun with others comment 😅
Well, if I'm to ask a question... It would be "What would you do if you wake up and see that Hive no longer rewards blogs but you can keep blogging?"
I see you are new here, and I can see you are really enjoying yourself. I love the vibe you brought here, with so much happiness and smiles. You are very much welcome here.
If I got you right, you mean that we wouldn't earn anything from blogging right?
Well, when i started blogging newly, there was no rewards, back then I wasn't really blogging for rewards, but for the fun and the love of writing and telling stories.
So if there was no reward, I'll definitely still be blogging😊
😂 Is it that obvious? I'm in a very good mood though even with the hunger right now, I still smile while engaging with you guys... I just enjoy doing this.
And your answer is awesome!!! That would also be my stand if something like that happens on Hive. Blogging has not always been for the rewards I get, I've made so much friends as well and that's just so invaluable.
Thanks for noticing my vibe 🤣🤣
It is very obvious. And I like that. It is very important to smile and be happy at all Ku m times, no matter the situation.
You know what's up😊
Awww thanks 😊
Hey my mini family 💜💓💓,is a great day today and Thanks GOD we all alive to witness the great and blessed day ahead.so I want use this the great opportunity To great you all with best greeting that supercede all the greeting in this world and hereafter which is Assalamu alikum warahamatulahi ta Allah wa barakatuhu meaning may the blessing and mercy of the almighty GOD be with us all.ameen I also wish us the very best of today engagement and interaction may the lord make a successful one to us and among all the pob community,ameen
Awww mini family? That's so sweet of you... Let's keep engaging and enjoy the fun of it 😊
Good day here and it is good to be back here once again, trust all us going on well enough with us all
Good morning to you. Where have you been? It's good too have you back.
I believe all is well, all thanks to the almighty
Hi, I hardly see around these days. Hope you're good cause I'm okay 👌
Good morning from this side of the world and trust we are all doing well enough here,it is good to be here with you all once more mate
It's great to be here also, it's my first time being among you guys on this pob talk and I hope it won't be my last 😊
Make yourself at home dear, see you around. Have an amazing interaction, keep coming here everyday 😊👍 !PIZZA
Yeah, I'll try to do that... Is the POB talk every Thursday?
Welcome to POB talk, engage and have a nice experience.
POB talk is everyday.
Thanks girl, I'm here to stay 😃
See you around👍🤗
It's everyday. Follow @vempromundo.pob and you will see POBTalk Post everyday. Today is 131st episode. See you at tommarow's 132 episode of POB Talk. 😊🙏
Wow really? That's so cool, I'll just start watching out for it because I've been following him for sometime now
PIZZA Holders sent $PIZZA tips in this post's comments:
vikbuddy tipped merit.ahama (x1)
vikbuddy tipped esmeesmith (x1)
vikbuddy tipped doziekash (x1)
Learn more at https://hive.pizza. @mineopoly tipped @blezyn (x1)
Pizzabot is been long I eat 🍕 ooh, although congratulations boss.
@vempromundo.pod thank you for creating this amazing platform, it's an interesting one...I don't like missing engagement for anything.
That's good to know... Engagement keeps the community growing
thanks all you guys for engagement
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