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Hello friends, i have'nt been that present here on #pobtalk for the past few days.
I went to a remote area of my state to meet up with my honey suppliers and sadly my phone fell and the screen got broken.
I should made it back to the city today and get it fix.
I missed you guys here, enjoy your day and make sure your phone don't fell on the bare floor.
Cracks screen brings no joy at all.
That experience is terrible
been through it 2 times already 🤣
Hahaha, i hadly brake my phone's screen but this happens to be the second time in just two month.
I guess i had let my guard down lately. Lol!
That must have felt terrible having a cracked screen coupled with poor network connection in the rural area. Safe trip as you make it back.
Yes boss poor connection even inside you self it will be affected
Thanks a lot am back from my trip now, I sould get my screen fix by tomorrow.
Ok good one friend, the screen have been fix which you are coming back here tomorrow
Though it unforseen circumstances and we need to do it. Take care
I hope you can get it fixed easily and don't need to buy a new one.
They should be able to fix it easily for me. Thanks very much @candy49.
You have a sweet name thought.
Oops that is quite terrible. Did you know I fix phones in my other life lol.
Safe journey back to the city. I hope you get your phone fixed soon enough
Other life 😂
Me too. But as phones (and others electronics devices) software engineer.
Not so good with hardware parts.
Quite the opposite.. Hardware engineer here🙂
We already can build some gadget together. Hahahaha
That would be awesome.. you write the programs, I'll couple the parts together
In another life ? Lol! I will look you up if we happens to made it back to the planet Earth other time.
Thank you.
Honey is so good 🐝🐝🐝🐝
Bring me some :)
Hahaha you're highly invited to my honey store.
Ouch! That's is total PAIN! I hate how so easily our phone screens break. It is a tragic story for real 😩😩😩
Good morning once again. Its A beautiful Wednesday here. Last day of my holiday so i decided to hook up with a childhood friend today.
How would you describe your childhood in one sentence?
Childhood is counting dots on the ceiling of a room filled with desks that smell like moldy sandwiches while a middle aged woman speaks of things she doesn't even know.
Sums it up! And who can forget the year's worth of hidden used chewing gum stuck underneath the desks. Eww!
Look who's here @ninahaskin glad to have you here.
One time I ran out of desks to hide them used chewing gums😅
Greetings and thank you! @doziekash
Did you attend schools where chewing gum was forbidden? I did. You either had to put it under the desk before getting caught or swallow it when the teacher busted you.
Yeah. That is so true. Swallowing was always the first option that came to my mind. Then they Told us that if you keep swallowing chewing gum, it will end up tying up your intestines lol
You kill me all the time Lol. That is one funny way to describe your childhood
The other non sleeping part of my childhood I was riding bikes with friends, but I only got one sentence^^
To me it a very boring life back then because I had no chance to have fun except studying every day every hour. But to Mom she's actually doing the best .. sometimes I think back I feel different but right now I really miss those days. Knowing I haven't known much yet.....
That was some intense childhood. Mothers always do their best in the lives of their children. Thanks for sharing
Reuniting with childhood friends are great. Brings back good memories for me
Simply awesome
It was actually fun reuniting with my childhood friend, we just sat there talking about the good old days. Glad to know your childhood was awesome
Greetings to you Dozie,
I will say my my childhood was interesting and memorable.
That's great. The girl who had all the fun... yeah😊
Yeah, my mad made sure of that, he is one of the most intereting person to be with.
Your Dad*? That's great. My dad wasn't So much fun 🤦🏽♀
Always busy making money lol
Level hard.
Childhood was the best phase of life, with no tensions, no worries, only love, laughter and joy. I miss it.
That is so sweet! Love, laughter and joy. With no worries. I couldn't agree less
Childhood was childish, silly, stupid, fun and memorable. 😊 !PIZZA
Lol! That is quite an interesting childhood. Silly and stupid. Can't help laughing at that
Hello Friends, Greetings 🙏😊
Every Person is a hero in his life,
It's Just that some people's films are not released.
Someone asked, Who is my own in this world?
I said - time
If time is right then everyone is my own or else there is no one.
Have a Good Day 👍
Time is all we got. How we manage ultimately tells our impact in the sands of time
Time is all we have.
Enjoy your day Buddy.
Well said buddy. Life is A movie and every body is a hero in their own story.
Do have A lovely day
Super Vik!!!
Go to the gym for two days and now you are a hero.
We will pump you up!!
so true. Many things rely on time itself. So much so that is it very interesting.
How did you find the HIVE blockchain? Like how that journey went for you?
From a friend of mine and the journey is very great throughout the hive community and my personal life
I was a steemit user back on 2017.
Crypto enthusiastic and always searching for new tech.
And i like it too get out regular social media that i was tired off
As I'm never was a content creator, but i decided to give it a try. Created this account from zero and my target was make $100 in 1 month. Just to see if it's possible.
My first users had a startup powerup boost...
Hello house
Today is 3rd day of the week,which is Wednesday.
Can someone just mention any 3 famous or influencer people,whose birthday fall today?
I can't believe we didn't finish the Yellow Bird Game. I made it so easy this week. People look at the comments and give up too easily. It looks like even d-pend didn't read the three simple rules. Oh well. It looks like everyone is just waiting for someone else to take the bait.
I can't believe it either. Excited to be one who blindly got lucky and scored a winning POB delegation. Thank you! Funny part is now I finally figured out how the contest actually is/was supposed to be done😂 Hindsight is 20 20!🤓
Lol... The fun part of the game is reading through Penney
Other people's comment. Some people have the greatest sense of humor😂😅
That keeps me going. Some are very subtle but otjers are dirct. I smiled and even laughed out loud. People who participated and made me laugh also won delegations. I'm glad.
I laughed a whole lot honestly. And got me some new cute friends.
I guess everyone is blind guessing, lol. But honestly that's the real fun. Take some rest buddy, chill 😊
I'll check in tomorrow :)
When I first joined POB I was very much excited and thought I will get to know quite new things related to PROVING I HAVE A BRAIN. But, honestly, it never struck me that wait a minute as soon as we are engaging in something and taking action we are proving to have a brain 🤣 it took me quite some time to realize what really is meant to be here or use the tag. What about you all, what were your expectations?
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Hey great men and beautiful queen of the the great community pobtalk,how was our night and life in general? May our today engagement and interaction be the best among the other.