Interact with the community and receive awards.
A lottery chat post will be created daily, and for you to participate you just need to interact in the comments with other users. Want to talk about a topic, but still don’t have enough data to post about? Raise the topic and talk to others about it. Want to give your opinion on governance, UI, or even meet new people that you didn't know were part of the community, this is the place.
In addition to receiving votes on any comments that you bring to the community, you will also be competing for a prize for doing so.
As more unique users comment, more prizes will be drawn. Up to 10 participants are 3 winners, from 11 to 19 participants are 5 winners. From 20 to 29 participants 8 winners. If we manage to reach 30 participants, there will be 11 winners.
These votes will not hinder the trail, as it votes only on posts and not comments.
You can also try your luck in an extra lottery by purchasing a ticket. This ticket will give
you a number to enter an extra draw on the day you purchased, the week you purchased, and the month you purchased.
To get one, just transfer 1 POB to @vempromundo.pob, this will serve to increase the voting power, and consequently give bigger votes to the winners. (The limit you can purchase is 1 per day, if you transfer for example 10 POB, you will compete with 1 ticket per day for 10 days).
If you interact with people in the post or generate good content that makes them engage with you, be aware that it won't be in vain.
I think it's fair that those users who fail to win the raffle are rewarded daily according to the amount of engagement they bring to PobTalk, they're the ones who keep it growing.
So don't be surprised if you end up getting rewards even though you don't win the draw. You deserve.
Hello Friends, Greetings 🙏😊
Always be so happy that haters get jealous, And think about what's reason behind your happiness!
When meet each other, meet with a smile on the face ...
Because smile is the beginning of love!
Happiness never ends ...
Unless you want it yourself!
Be Engaged and Have a Good Day👍
Whether you want ot be happy or sad is uyour choice. You can choose to be happy in the smallest of the things like rain or sunshine or you can choose to be sad for not being able to buy a mercedez benz when you alreay run a fortuner.
Choice is yours, and your choices decide the fate of your life. Have a great day!
Whether you want ot be happy or sad is uyour choice. You can choose to be happy in the smallest of the things like rain or sunshine or you can choose to be sad for not being able to buy a mercedez benz when you alreay run a fortuner.
Choice is yours, and your choices decide the fate of your life. Have a great day!
These are great words from you, it's true we always have a choice to decide either to be happy or sad.
I will always chose happiness any day anytime regardless of my situations
I will say God has given us the power to make our choice weather right or wrong.. That is why most of the time before we concluded in making a choice we need to get an advice and pray about it
Yes, I agree with you is always the best thing to do by talking to God Almighty before making our decisions.
And by so doing , God will surly help us to make the best decision.
I love that
In fact their is nothing that kills the hater like making yourself happy all the time it make them get confused the more
I strongly believe in Ur thought of reasoning,is a great one and we individual have no reason to be enemy of ourself In this vanity upon vanity of life.
Today I finished voting for all users who made any comments on the 100th edition. And as I commented yesterday about not being able to meet all expectations so that POBTALK continues to function in its excellence, as of the 101st edition I will make some changes.
Tomorrow's post will be revamped the PobTalk text and reward mode (don't worry you're still getting rewards for interacting, and I believe even more than you currently receive in the new mode).
About the extra ticket, I'll return it to those who purchased it after issue 100 who were users @riandeuk and @jersteemit, and I'll finish filling out the pending rewards.
Below is a pending rewards table for the extra ticket and the reason why it has not yet been voted on.
The new changes will increase the rewards (I believe the engagement as well) and it will be less work because it is manual work.
I hope you like it, hugs.
Makes sense, kinda sad to see the extra ticket go as it was a fun little hidden gem. But was good while it lasted.
In the end, it's the engagement that matters and the lottery did so only indirectly and from the looks there's some nit commenting but only buying tickets.
Thank you for the refund, received it well, and for the update on outstanding votes, had no idea it was that much! Sincerely hope the new system will make things easier for you and who knows.. it might boost pob talk to a new level. The evolution of the platform :-)
One thing: you might want to delete the lottery bit from the most recent post(s). To prevent people from buying new tickets.
Good luck and excited for the revamp!
You can be sure that when everything falls into place, the good things will return.
Looking forward to seeing the changes on Pobtalk coming up!l
Hello friends,
It's another beautiful day...
Word of encouragement!
Someday you will meet the happiest version of yourself and it will be worth it.
Have a great day.
Greeting to you @ beckygold
Yes, if we keep on discovering and believing in ourselves , we can always meet that happiest version.
This is really commendable coming from you sir, Making new exciting changes is much needed right now that we are witnessing a bit decline in engagements here.
Am sure this will excite the old members here and as well attract new people to come in here.
Looking forward to the new changes. Change is always for good, I believe. I'm sure it will engage more people. happy talking :)
Change is constant and when the word of change come to human two things involved either for good or other wise,but our change in this great community is for good.i pray the change should continue and favour each and every one of us in good health ameen .
Wow that be more great and motivated,when it come to engaging less and get more reward.
Wow! What a great development... Can't wait
nice one from you and thanks once again for the analysis and the increase in reward...
will you rather not be rich and be able to help people and makes them happy or
To be rich and hurt people?
Been rich is a statement which an individual wishes to be in life,so been rich and hurt others is never a good when it come to the riches kingdom.i see no reason been rich and hurt people to me personally I don't call that rich,rich is like a visitor the more you ar careful it the more you found it easy on you.you might be rich today and become poor tomorrow,when you mishandling the richness in you by hurting other.
I would rather chose the former. Don't want to cause harm to people. I would rather I make the world a better place than leave it worse off. But to help, one will also need to be financial stable
Tough choice to make hun! There is no greater good than helping people, may we never find ourselves in a situations where we have to chose between helping people or getting rich.
Because what's the benefits of getting rich if we can not help our fellow human beings.
Nice respond from you.
I'd rather help people that genuinely need my help regardless of my financial status.
I totally agree with you,you can not come ad kill yourself. A title of song by timaya aka them papa and them mama, a Nigeria artist.
I totally agree with you,you can not come ad kill yourself. A title of song by timaya aka them papa and them mama, a Nigeria artist.
It's a funny questions. Humans are selfish. Even though my answer would be not be rich and be able to help people, I would still want to be rich and then I sometimes might not care if Iend up hurting 1 or 2. And that's not be blamed on anyone, it's how the human psychi works.
Plus if you think about it, to really be able to help people in a significant way you have to be rich or have the means. I know you can help even when you're not rich and you don't have to be rich to help. However being rich may make the process easier.
Definitely, been rich will make help others much mire easier.
World is dangerous place. As a woman I'd have a castle built around me or wall that protects me and then I'd help this world. Not even men can help people being rich and joining the mob. The parity between poor and rich would makes it hard to help people sometimes as they tend to depend on others for help all the time once they realize they don't have to do anything. Safety first then help later.
Well put, you can't help everybody and definitely not everybody is deserving of help.
Unfortunately when deciding who to help you sometimes don't help someone when being too careful or do help someone that will actually try to abuse your generosity..
Exactly. If you put too much thinking into helping someone, you may end up not helping or just helping someone who's out to take advantage of that.
I personally just help based on who I feel genuinely needs it without putting much thought into it.
same here, it's probably the best approach. But like I said it will unfortunately not always go the way it should
I think this is a good way to go in the ways of helping others.
We can not do more than ourselves
Been rich and help people is a great one and you stand out uniquely,helping people dose mean they can not help you back.you might help people and your future children will be equally help by those you help in pass.so I allege everyone of us to help when you have, also don't help for the sake of the person help for the sake of the almighty GOD.
Beautiful morning to you all my friends.
I just want to drop a word of encouragement to you all.
In all you do, always remember that Success is reserved for those who are willing to push their fears aside.
Have a good day y'all!!
Morning to you. Nice words of encouragement. Indeed success comes to those who pay the price. Have a wonderful weekend.
You are welcome@jersteemit
Morning the most beautiful queen In my hood,my night is great and awesome,may your day beloved and may the Lord give you all you needed In bundle.
Amen, thank you @profdanzy
It is a blessed day today again by waking up with blessing of the almighty GOD,is been raining since in the morning In my location.so the this blessing from the almighty I greet you all with the great greeting that surperced all greeting in this world and hereafter which is asalamu alikum warahamatulalhi wabarakatuhu, meaning may the peace and mercy of GOD with us ameen..how was our night and the weather in general, my own weather is not friendly and the Weather is for two ooh.
Been alive indeed is a blessing. It's raining season over here also. It however restricted my movement. Love the weather though. Amen to your prayer
Good morning friends....
Hope you are all enjoying the weekend..?
Greetings man. Basically indoors having enough rest. I find that most relaxing. Considering going on an outing but spoilt for choices. Till then my movies should keep busy
Same here, so lucky I ain't working today.. Its like I'm having a long break..
Still chilling with money heist
Yes ooh!! been Saturday and the most sweet part is the weather and no work today,so today activity wl be awesome eat,sleep, engage and interact better way forward in this our great community.that is all about today for me and from my location.
Yes! I'll be palying Dungeons and Dragons with some friends in a couple of hours so it should be a lot of fun
Yes love enjoying it hope you two are enjoying it this weekend is Grace early morning raining in Nigeria and now it's running again God bless our country
Pretty cool weekend. Having a really nice time here with the boys
Have ever got the feeling of being afraid after learning how world works?
How do you handled that overwhelming feeling?
I don't get overwhelmed my how the world works because I know the world doesn't revolve around me. So mostly I tend to worry only about my environment and how it impacts my life, either positively or negatively.
Especially when I learned about all inequality there is in the world. The way I tried to handle it was by doing something to change the world. That's one fo the reasons why I started working with education
Been feeling of fear or afraid after leaning how world works,first of all world we are in to is risk and the life itself is risk,so me I see noting in life that wil make me feel afraid after what I have learn so far.just a step blow to cub fear
1 Take time out. It's impossible to think clearly when you're flooded with fear or anxiety. ...
2 Breathe through panic. ...
3 Face your fears. ...
4 Imagine the worst. ...
5 Look at the evidence. ...
6 Don't try to be perfect. ...
7 Visualise a happy place. ...
8 Talk about it.
Greetings everyone! I've been off for a while now due to an incident at my workplace.
What did I miss?
Welcome back blezyn. You absence was quite noticed. Glad you could join us here again. Nothing much apart from the fact that engagement dropped a little for many. It's understandable because of the decline in price but been who is here for the long haul, we are not stopping any time soon
You are welcome, hope all is well and things have been taking care of.pls if there is any challenging please open of to us here I believe we have alot of problem solver here which one or two person here wil give answer or solutions to your problems. Once again you are highly welcome...
Thank you! Things are being taken care of, although it may take a while for things to be completely fixed but they are working on it.
I don't think much... this week seems pretty slow on POB talk.
Oh yeah? Where's everyone?
Low pob price coupled with rewards on hold for a bit and many lose motivation and don't have the discipline or faith to keep going.
It doesn't matter too much, the situation in 5 years is what matters and the ones that are here now and stay consistent will be in the best position by then..
Wow, it didn't take much for many to lose faith. I do hope they come back soon.
You're right, it's all about consistency and the change in price or lack of reward shouldn't affect us much. It's just one of those things I guess.
As soon as the price is rising many will come back, it happens with Hive when there's a pump like last week.
It's actually easier to get more rewards (not in dollar value or whatever fiat currency) in terms of pob or other tribe tokens when the price is low. But when everybody thinks it's worth very little they don't care anymore or think it has no future.
Anything can happen, I do think it's good to not only be invested in pob but have some hive and maybe other tokens too.
Yeah it happens like that. Once the price is on the high side most people come back.
It's easier and also it allows you to make the most when the price eventually goes up. But some people don't factor that.
That's what crypto is all about - anything can happen. I also buy into the idea of having other tokens too.
We are all here doing great and wonderful,how was your night and every member of your family.
That's awesome. I'm doing great too
Pls do,your thinking give me joy and more to talk on.
Good day everyone!
It's actually my bed time but I stayed up late playing some Splinterlands
I hope everyone have a great day and I'll see you in a few hours when I wake up
Good day tranzini. The Splinterlands must have been so exciting to have kept you awake all night. I believe I am missing a lot when it comes to that game. My Day has been great so far. Have a good rest
Yea, it was a lot of fun!
You should consider trying it maybe and see if you like it! I enjoy playing it and I believe it will be a good investment in the future
Greetings to you, enjoy your sleep and join us back here when you wake up. 😊🤗
Enjoy your weekend!
Do you also plan dCrops? and dCity?
Same here dear, for now I don't have any plan for both dcorps and dcity.
I started playing dCrops recently and today I will have my first harvest!
I don't play dCity yet, but it is in my plans
Good morning friends! It's a great weekend today, it has been raining since morning and my house feels nothing like a hill station. I am going to meet my mom today which I am always excited about. Driving in the rain would be fun!
Hope you all have a great day!
Good day sugandhaseth. Happy weekend to you. Also happen to be raining over here. Indoors here enjoying the weather. Nice one to spend time with your mum this weekend. Have an awesome day too.
Yeah it really done exercising driving in the right but very careful with the speed and you are to accelerate when you are driving enjoy your weekend with your mom
Seem cool hanging out with you mom this weekend. Have a great weekend
Sounds like a fun weekend
Have fun with your mom :)
It is a fun right when you and driving in the rain cash a lot of fun on the road enjoy your day
Good night you all have a wonderful night
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