Done is better than perfect

in Proof of Brain4 years ago


We always want everything we do to come out in the best possible way, and that's totally understandable. How many times do we start a project because we don't have or are great at what will be proposed?

I have a friend who learned about this by doing.

I'm a fan of the feat is better than perfect, after all I can try to improve what has already been conceived, but if I never put it into practice, I'll never know if it's actually perfect or if it needs changes.

Although in my view nothing is perfect, and everything can always be improved, even by 1%.

Going back to my friend's case, he was always a fan of if it's not perfect, better not do it. And last year he took a chance on the way I look at things, and he ended up going wrong with the project he wanted, and he got discouraged for a few weeks.

Then we sat down to talk and I managed to explain to him, that he didn't fail, but that he learned a lot from the mistake, after all, if he tried again a similar project, or even the same one, he would already know where he would have to improve, and where already has skill.

We often end up afraid to publish shallow content, or even work on an idea and can't finish it to publish the text.

I prefer to see the glass half full.

Even if you don't feel like writing, write . Earn income every day.User @hranhuk approached a cool topic this week, where the title says a lot about this thought, and even his post was the starting point for me to write this post for you:

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Many people give up on posting on hive because they either don't think their post is good enough, or they don't think enough people give them feedback on their long-ass 49287349023490 words post. Just get the job done! Either that or find a different approach.

That's very true. In engineering school, we always learn that perfect is the natural enemy of good enough. In fact, I believe we should all aim for good enough and try to improve everything we do little by little, rather than trying to get it to perfection right away. That's one of the principles of agile project management, which is my profession, and I try to apply that to other aspects of life.

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Wow, this has a lot to say to every single one of us. Some times when I want to make a post, after I might have edited, added the topic, added pictures and tags, there is this fear that comes in my mind, is this post really passing a message, does it worth posting and the likes. But then I encourage myself, the writer might not actually know the power in the contents he has written until someone who’s situation is been addressed comes across the post testifying how the contents has saved him or her.

Although in my view nothing is perfect, and everything can always be improved, even by 1%.

There surely is nothing perfect, this creates time for improvement. I can remember when Java phones come to the picture, one could call across the world from his seated position, it felt like the perfect thing that can not be improved on, like nothing better can happen. Then android, windows, and Iphones came into the pictures with more advanced technologies like video calls came into the picture and it felt like witchcraft at first having conversations with someone abroad and seeing them at the instant of calling.

Better things would keep coming as far as people keep perfecting everything gradually.

I wonder what the world would be like in the next 50 year

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Interesting read. Starting can be a difficult thing but it's better than procrastinating. Taking the bold step is the right move, even though mistakes happen, it's best to learn from the process than running away from it. Mistakes helps us get better

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Also thier are lot of people that are sacred of posting thier opinions to the fear of what they think the reader might say or do, with this they will be hopping for a perfect time to carry out this, thinking it will be perfected one day which is wrongThis is very educative @vempromundo ,I must say have been a fan of your post for few days now and it as really trigger my typing spirit and the level at which I make contributions,I must say that the illustration of your friend is well said and he forgot to know that you can only be perfect at hat you keep on practicing often and often,it is even better to carry out a project and make lot of mistakes then neglecting the project cause you felt you needed a perfect one,when people correct you at your mistakes on a project it helps you to come out better at the next one,no one is perfect at all

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Nice talk, many are not ready to make mistake meanwhile it is already human nature and that is the reason while we can't stop learning is only God that is perfect, the more the mistake the more we learn.

Your friend as gt to know the truth of what you have been sharing with him, if he has fail to continue because of the mistake he did he would have bee a failure completely

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To be aiming towards perfection is what one should do noy that it MUST be perfect and if it is not perfect one should not do it. These are the things that will make someone not to leave a spot. It is better one keeps trying and be doing things in a better way till he or she got it right than not to do anything at all.

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Yeah people don't want make mistakes that's why learning are varies because we need to make mistakes so that we can learn a lot . am always hear from one my boss that normally says Learn from other people mistakes!
Make mistakes and you will be corrected

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I inspired with this post..... Every failure or hard times we are passing through, they will surely be a product to our testimonies... If we don't face them how do we want to have a story to tell🤗 @vempromundo

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