I met the LEO community in early March 2021. And I looked like someone who was relearning to walk. My posts didn't have the formatting and content that today's posts do.
But I had one thing, the desire to learn from those who were already there.
I wondered, and sometimes I still wonder, "Are these people on the Trending Page really producing quality content, or are they just the favorites being voted on?"
I left my prejudgment aside and started following these posts, reading what they were bringing in information, and mostly reading the comments.
We often forget, but comments can be much more gold than posts sometimes.
Then came the POB community, and there I was, trying to figure out what the hottest posts were bringing in content, so I could understand what the community wanted.
And in the end I got two very valuable things. Tokens (in the case of POB which allowed me to have a small relevance that I have today) and Knowledge (in the case of Leo).
It's amazing how the LEO community really takes finance matters seriously, each expressing their opinion on how they think the market will act and exposing facts they think are important.
There is no one who is right or wrong, but the various opinions give us a lot of material to read, study and learn, and this has enormous value.
Because POB is a general topic, it often leaves some users at a loss for what to talk about, and others who pick up the topic of the week and try to express their opinions about it.
But I believe that any user can raise an important issue and bring valuable content to him. I see many users who produce a lot of good stuff here, and I feel that even being a post car accident community, we have a lot of willpower and knowledge for even a small user to reach a large number of users with their publication.
I will raise the PobTalk issue again. According to @interpretation data, PT represents 10% of all community engagement, and this is something very significant since the comments that roll there are usually relevant.
There has even been a topic raised about whether we have a witness representing the POB. And as far as I know we don't have, there is a great opportunity for someone to apply as well as LeoFinance already has theirs.
Use that space to promote your publication and promote the subject you raise, I believe users have a lot to add.
Recently the DCC token was released and I will still post about it, I believe that as we have great content creators in POB, we can use it to help small content creators have a little more relevance.
Let's follow the good steps, ignore self-thinking users, and adapt what works. And the LEO community works. We will continue to walk the steps so that POB continues to function (regardless of unilateral decisions by those who spend more time outside than in the community).
You mentioned this quite perfectly friend. I think since you have both knowledge and understanding of the platform and you have been very valuable to the platform, You should go for POB witness, you really are the one. Leo community has a strong foundation and its time we start building for POB.
good points!
on a side note: anyone can confirm that delegations to @proofofbrainio currently do not get processed? I undelegated as a result, but maybe there was something wrong on my part
They happen when he wants to, and if he wants to. The very rules he established for delegation he did not follow.
Huh? I'm sure they were followed. 3:1 Hive delegations and delegations for people who show merit. Your comment is sounding quite passive aggressive and the post you made the other day wasn't exactly subtle. Ease up, we're just getting stabilised after the recent qualms.
@tobetada he's AFK right now, I'm sure you'll receive the delegation when he returns.
oh, okay... didn't know that (seems a bit strange)
Sorry for the trouble @tobetada. I must have missed it. If you still decide to delegate just reply to this and let me know so I don't miss it. I will process it as soon as I see it.
thanks for responding! My delegation is now active
POB is a general topic community. It gives broader topics to be published. I think this decision will benefit to the POB since not all people are good at mastering a cryptocurrency topic. The contents can be various from humour, contests, politics and culture. They are all great.
I was looking for the guide about how to do what LEO people doing. And I've seen you talking about comments. It's something really important. I don't know why no one still care about comments while it's really important. I already asked the developers to add the most commented posts to their tools here : https://hiveengine.usehive.com/ and https://hivelayers-stats.herokuapp.com/ but they didn't do that yet. I hope they will do that in the future. I'm really interested to see the most commented posts to support. Sometimes we ourselves write so important posts and they get commented a lot. I wish that will be seen somehow. I hope as well that the page will be fixed : https://hive.blog/tags that's should show the most commented posts, but it's not. Empty page and that's strange.
Thanks as well for promoting DCC. I hope more people will learn about it and post in #dcc . I see it really important and that could give a lot of attention to those who are doing well.
It is important to have someone to follow and from whom to have an example, but just as the Leo community is applied in its field of work, POB also has its example to follow and you are the leaders of the community. In general, the smallest will always follow the largest, either by popularity, influence or experience. So as you are better, the community will surely be better and each member will give their best to be able to measure up ... Great and good things are truly being done here and you are one of its main actors, friend, My congratulations.
I'm not too familiar with the leofinance community but the few posts I've read there are very educative on how to secure and invest our money, I learnt a lot from them.
I'll still say POB community is the best for me even though I'm not supposed to compare hahaha
Since I joined, I've been learning variety of new stuffs that I don't think I would have known on a norm.
And I agree with you that comments are much more gold than posts, I've seen it and it's true.
Can't you bee the witness representing POB? It'd be cool 😊
It's a complicated puzzle of communities in Hive. They are made to compliment each other and build from each other. When we get that straight we may be able to build something that works.
One day the whole world will want to use POB because with just a push of a button they can meet all their friends and none of them can be disbanded because it is decentralized. That's social media that works.
I find LEO a great platform to learn about finance. I mostly use it just to understand the latest news around the world related to crypto and trust me, it's my source of knowledge. There are some really heavy bloggers there whose content is just way beyond amazing.
Waw I love this .. let's I forget you mentioned of the #pob-talk have been touring on the chain searching for #pob-talk since I am bored but I couldn't find it @vempromundo I think there should be a way by adding it to the community list ....I will really appreciate that if you can do so thanks @vempromundo
I find LEO a great platform to learn about finance. I mostly use it just to understand the latest news around the world related to crypto and trust me, it's my source of knowledge. There are some really heavy bloggers there whose content is just way beyond amazing.
Yes, I always follow what they say too, because they are well-founded opinions
LEO is just a more mature POB. They have their culture set, they had their battles and it is pretty solid in what to expect going to the page. It is what I see POB becoming (but not a finance magazine, but a reader's digest). Step by step.