There have been some disagreements recently, and it wasn't the first one I've seen in this community, but it was the first one involving me.
And as has always happened and will always happen, all my future actions are reported in a publication so that my word is recorded in the blockchain.
I will no longer ask friends for opinions about my attitudes, as I learned that this can sometimes backfire on me, but I will still be open to suggestions that are given to me.
Sometimes opportunities to do things appear in our lives, and we shouldn't let them go, on the contrary, we should grab them and try to make good things happen. We won't always succeed, but we must never stop trying.
As well as power (a word that was already the subject of a Word Of The Week here in the community) also appears and the thirst for it sometimes ends up blinding people.
But as there is no way to change the past, I will just stick to future events, and again detail here what my attitudes will change from now on.
Below I will show themes and dissect about how it was and how it will be
Votes for Brazilians
How was:
From the first day I stepped into POB, I expressed the way I acted before the community even existed. Focus on voting Brazilian content.
As I was always welcomed by them, and they were the few who have always been there helping me since 2017, I felt that I had a moral debt to this niche in the community.
That way I always voted Brazilian posts with the same voting power, so that everyone would receive the same backing, without discriminating against any (obviously the minimum requirement is that it be quality content).
How will it be:
Brazilians will be like any other nation. I no longer want them to treat my reciprocity as something negative for the community. If this attitude of mine was being harmful for the good development of the community as a whole, I will no longer do it.
There will be Brazilians who will earn more than other Brazilians, some less, there will be non-Brazilians who will earn more than Brazilians and others less, my moral voting algorithm will no longer leave the nationality filter on.
Self Vote
How was:
Everyone here came for the money and stayed for the community. Anyone who says it's not, it's because they don't need money. If I wanted thousands of likes or multiple followers I just opened my instagram or facebook and I would have a lot more fake engagement than here. Here the engagement is true, and that's what motivates me to continue here and not there.
Here the answers in the posts are true, people really care what you are talking about, otherwise they would use their time with another post and not yours.
And because I arrived here in the community for the money and stayed for what it is, the search for reward was rooted in me from the beginning, I'm not a hypocrite as I was accused of saying one thing and doing another, I've always been here for the money, otherwise I wouldn't be putting my face and my expenses, I would have created an account with a random image where no one would know who I am, and would make withdrawals without justification.
But no, I show my face and make reports so everyone knows who I am and what I do.
And if you don't feel good showing your face, there's no problem, a great example of a person I have no idea who are and I respect a lot is @wiseagent, where these 4 years of community helped me even more than I figured I deserved it.
How will it be:
There will no longer be self voto in the POB community with the @vempromundo.pob account, it seems that the 10 daily POB that rewarded me was causing some kind of discomfort for some users. Unlike the @vempromundo account I'm posting, where I give my auto vote on publications made for the LEO community, which yield 0.05 LEO daily, which apparently doesn't bother that community that much (at least not to the point that they've come to complain so far) .
I know 10 POB a day is worth a lot more than 0.5 LEO, so again it makes me think I'm not the only one here for the money. I'm just not ashamed to assume it.
How was:
The Daily Lottery Talk was created in order to increase community engagement, where in addition to making me reach the user by reading your post and curating it, he could reach the daily conversation post and receive part of this reward as well.
How will it be:
The name will change from Daily Lottery Talk to Pob Talk, people were confused about the purpose thinking it was a type of game of chance or that I would profit much more than the winners (after all, in this type of game the house always wins) .
The mechanics will remain the same, users who interact with other users and raise issues to talk to and thereby generating engagement will have the chance to win full and partial votes in their comments (in the comment so as not to harm those on my trail), of this That way that user who is always engaging with the community in other people's comments has the chance of not being harmed if I don't see the post he made that day.
The possibility of purchasing a ticket for the value of 1 POB will remain valid. I can't believe that a draw where you can lose 9 times and if you win 1 you are still in profit is a bad thing, especially with the low number of acquirers.
There are statistics so you can see how much people are managing to increase their income through POB TALK, and we clearly see that they are people who have very little POB in the community, and that this amount does make a difference for them.
I will be more strict from Week 3 on when registering users who are engaging in the post, it is very clear that the requirement is to interact with other users or at least raise a topic to try an interaction, and comments like "congratulations" to the 'See who the winners of the day are' I don't believe it's an engaging comment, this comment will be dropped from the draw.
You can still comment 'congratulations' and complement with your interaction. The problem is not to congratulate someone, but to make a comment that will not add to anything.
How was:
The results of my contests were all done on the website, where I printed the results and put them in the post, announcing and marking the winners. This way has occurred since the time of the 'Win 100 POB Delegation' contest.
How will it be:
Seeking greater transparency, as requested, and the user is very correct in doing this, after all when I announced that POB TALK would start, I made it clear that if anyone wanted more transparency, just ask and I would go after it.
Whenever a new POB TALK is posted, I'll be online via stream conducting the draw, where the user who wants to follow it live can see the number of competitors and which numbers were drawn in real time.
I'll try to stream through 3speak, and if that's not possible I'll do it on Twitch, or Discord, which will also start from Week 3.
Anyone can watch and audit if I'm doing the right thing or trying to benefit someone.
Withdrawal of POB
How was:
I was recently accused of taking more from the community than offering it. What amazes me a lot, after all the only community rule is Have a Brain and I always try to bring new posts with good grammar (even with English not being my native language), good formatting and visually clean.
When I made the post deciding that POB would be my job, I warned that I would take 25% off the rewards to pay my bills, which in the comments I wasn't disputed by anyone. (I know I can take 0% or 100% that no one would complain, but I feel that if I want this community to grow I must show with my actions).
So I went to see if I really was taking more than I was leaving for the community, and I added up all the rewards I've already received and subtracted everything I'd already taken.
And let's go to numbers, math and blockchain don't lie, everyone can grab a calculator and access the data.
So far with my account both authored and curated I have accumulated: 15,161.49574574
And I removed: 1,740.174 from the total above.
Which represents: 11.47%
Refuting the accusation that I withdraw more than I give to the community, after all I maintain to the date of this publication 88.53%.
How will it be:
I will continue withdrawing to pay my bills, as I always said I would, the value can increase or decrease according to 3 indexes:
The POB price: with the POB being worth less, more will have to be withdrawn, after all, the bills come every month
Dollar price against Real (Brazilian currency): Brazil is not for amateurs, and we never know what price will be quoted, in 3 months (March to June), the value dropped 12%, which would make me receive less BRL and thus withdraw more POB.
Fator Brasil: Brazilian politics is insane, and at any moment anything can happen, and when I say everything, it's really everything. Recently they tried to do a privatization, the entire project ended up being modified and capitalization approved, where in the end there will be more losses and the president decided that this amount will be added to the electricity bill, which will increase in the coming months by 10%. That is, fixed bills increasing, more POB being withdrawn to pay a basic bill.
Here I'm not complaining, or anything like that, I'm just bringing facts so that you can understand my every future move and don't get guessing (and if you have any doubts don't hesitate to ask me).
Rational Curation
How was:
I was never someone relevant or of great power in HIVE and in any of its tribes, which made me a first-timer in the POB in that area.
And first-timers sometimes sink, have their rudders broken and don't know how to fix it, and sometimes they are even sabotaged by their sailors. Game stuff.
In line with all of this, there was the factor that I let myself get carried away more by emotion than by reason when doing some curation.
I voted Brazilians cause of consideration (topic that was dealt with at the beginning), I followed terrible posts from some users and gave them a few scraps of vote so he wouldn't get discouraged and try to improve every day, after all, even though he has a limited brain for the producing its content, it still had a brain.
And sometimes i was tired in the day and curated a few posts with a high vote % value so he wouldn't go without voting for anyone.
How will it be:
Now, being a sailor vaccinated with some problems, I believe that many of these mistakes will no longer be made. It may be that new ones appear, but these I have my doubts.
I will leave the emotional vote, the tired vote, and focus on the rational vote. I downloaded the ecency app on my cell phone and now I won't wait any longer to get to my house, turn on the computer and perform the curatorship there, sitting reading calmly.
Wherever I am, I'll be following the new posts, when I'm awake it's obvious (there's a user who makes a curator's report that even shows the time he votes the most, maybe I can bring one of those for you too).
I will curate as meticulously as I can, again following the main community rule "Have a Brain". And if I notice that the post is not loaded with enough brain effort, I will try to help the user through comments helping him to improve.
For now these are the new things I've learned from recent events, and I hope that I can be a better member for the community.
I'm open to suggestions, as always, don't hesitate to share with me, either here, through POB TALK or through Discord
Perfeito, amigo. Vejo que apesar de ter de lidar com o caos que foi gerado, conseguiu lidar bem com a situação e ainda aprimorar algumas questões. Siga firme com o projeto do POB TALK, inclusive já vou enviar meu 1pob lá. A tendência é só melhorar sua curadoria mesmo espalhando para todas as nações e não só os BR. Sucesso na jornada! Estamos juntos!
Vou focar no futuro, e esquecer os problemas do passado. Os erros que cometi serão vigiados para que eu não cometa mais e manterei o foco em melhorar o que precisa ser melhorado.
Valeu pelo apoio.
I think the only issue you had is upvoting the same people. If you will upvote more people from pob everyone will be happy. I also had such an issue. I wrote about that a big post, it's hard to support everyone of course, especially being a leader of a community and as I see, you are kind of a leader for Brazilians.
I also was lost as a leader of @dcooperation especially when moving from PoS to PoB. So, I decided to distribute my curation among the members of the community, all the tribe here and newcomers. That I think will be a fair thing to do. That's the only way to avoid any conflict of interests !
Wow!! You are not an Android @vempromundo. I thought your initiatives were really a good chance to engage. I was impressed that you wrote in English. If not then it would be a lot harder to follow. Transparency will really benefit everyone. I'm just sorry that you have more stress now.
Sometimes the greatest advice one will get at some certain rain is when you advice yourself, if there is not self encouragement advise from friends Leeds to nowhere.
However sharing somethings make you vulnerable in time to come surely we are human and we tend to be judged by the things we do or say mostly.
Texto interessante, acredito que as decisões que você tomou não foram fáceis, mas devem estar bem alinhadas com o que você acredita.
Como brasileiro agradeço pelo que você fez pela comunidade até aqui, e entendo as mudanças que você registrou no post, desejo que você continue fazendo aquilo que acredita, isso é o mais importante.
Sobre te questionarem, infelizmente isso faz parte, sempre vai ter, alguns com mais tato, outros com menos, e talvez algumas coisas fiquem mal entendidas...
Se pudesse dar um conselho, seria: Se cuide e cuide, da sua saúde física e mental, dos seus, do seu futuro, etc., isso é o mais importante a curto, médio e longo prazo, o resto é resto.
E vamos que vamos!!