Hello Friends, How are you doing?
Let's Engage...
We are defeated by our inner weaknesses, not by external challenges.
If you are tired of trying your luck, then try yourself sometime, the results will be better. 😊🙏
Hello Friends, How are you doing?
Let's Engage...
We are defeated by our inner weaknesses, not by external challenges.
If you are tired of trying your luck, then try yourself sometime, the results will be better. 😊🙏
This is an excellent and motivating phrase, we must never forget to test our ability
Indeed it is a good motivating phrase.
Yeah you're right our ability.
Because nothing in this life that can't achievable just to focused and then be determined.
You're right about that bout defeat comes from us, we have this doubt of not being able to do it and when such happens we see ourselves failing.
Sometimes all me need to do is believe in ourselves that we can do it. Self motivation and encouragement goes a long way too.
Hey buddy, how are you?
That's so true. We give up and that's why fail. If we keep trying, we are bound to achieve our goal.
Definitely most of the defeat that we encounter in life as happened in within our soul before it manifest in the outer world or realm if I may say,you won't get anything in life once you can't even beat yourself first
You're totally right sir, I agree with you on that, failure in the mind will not bring about success physical because you won't have the zeal to push forward to make it happen.
Tired of trying luck is what i regard as inconsistency. And i dont thinknit is nice for someone to give up.
Definitely, quitter never won why winners never quit. Meaning that let keep moving one day we will get there mate
Definitely will can achieve any thing once our mind keeps going for it
Yeah. We don't suffer defeat unless we first concede to it in our soul. Challenges are meant to make us stronger. The earlier one works on turning his or her own deficiencies or weaknesses to strength, the better
The mind has extraordinary power in our entire being, so let's use it to our advantage.
DO NOT let adversity be a major reason for not moving forward. let's be persistent.
Good morning mate, hope it is not too cold over there
Not really cold here in Nigeria. But i think it is better to say good day than good morning as some people might been in the afternoom in their country.