
The weekly report from @interpretation suggests that there is an increased activity on the platform and #pobtalk engagements have outpaced the speed of the growth of the engagements on the community. Now the contribution of the accounts engaging with this post has gone up to 11% or more.

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That was the idea behing promoting POB TALK, to get the engagement going.
Now the engagement needs to translate to the other posts at PoB.

Bear markets for crypto have been known to affect activities across the board,
although I still don't undersand why blog and social would suffer.

No matter-- people deserving of upvotes and comments deserve our
engagement. We should find them, especially the newer Hivers among us.

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This is nice news!! I didn't know that. I hope that pob-talk keeps growing!!

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I feel the same way too

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Yeah Happened to stumbled on interpretation post. Really nice seeing seeing the numbers POB talk has on the POB community is on the increase. I believe we could surpass that numbers as people get to join us here.

More engagements is needed to keep this space alive just like every social media platform. Irrespective of the current POB prices we vontin6 firing has we are yet to see the best of what POB can be.

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The POBtalk i believe is a good idea to make engagements on the platform to increase which is a very good thing,engagements also makes the platform to be a great place to leqrn from each other..

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That's very impressive. We have many new people joining POB talks now a days. The quality of engagement and talks also increased greatly. Its becoming more interesting, informative and engaging now a days. Let's hope to carry this engagement forward and break new records. I am wishing to reach 30 participates and 200 comments mark soon. 😊

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@vikbuddy engagement makes any platform to grow and makes it possible for people to share their knowledge with each other

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I don't get it @vikbuddy. Maybe something was lost in the translation, but it doesn't hit me.

Asking a favor will automatically put the person asking the favor at a lower level
than the person giving the favor... but does not necessary make him or her weak.

I wonder, are you talking strictly in the bedroom situation?
Has your girl got you locked up or something?
She must be some beast.

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Your imagination amuses me most. One hell of guy you are, lively, bubbly and jolly you are. 👍
I meant to say most people consider themselves weak or inept that they tend to depend on others. They develope a habit of asking favours from others. We must rely on ourselves the most. Sometimes it's not bad to to take favour and help but that should be not norm. One should try to be self independent and have confidence in oneself. 😊😜

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Thanks for bearing with me. I got your metaphor now.

If only I could get you to smile :D

How's this for looking out of your own cage^^ ?


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Lol this meme cracked 🤣 me up..

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If we could only get out of our cages. Then image the havoc we could make.

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No one dare to look into your cage dude, you goona kill with your humour. Where you get these videos and gifs.🤔

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I'm not a Alexander, I'm a Paulo, and this is busying enough...

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Greetings. Always great to see your lifting and inspiring comment.

Yeah, we are meant to find ourselves has we got all we need within us. Instead of asking for favors from others or depending on them, I rather endure that season. Not saying it's a necessarily a bad thing to ask has many misconstrue this. Been at the mercy of others in sure not a good thing.

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Awww that was so motivating,thanks for that piece of advice,i will make use of it..

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I was motivated too,and i felt relieved too

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You are right , we should not be so weak that we needs someone favour for ourself. we should learn to fight for ourself and find solutions to our problems on our own.

But in life we should always have someone close to our hearts to whom we can share our every problem to.

And when they will help us they won't call it a favour , they will call it relationship.

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This is life and I want to believe that we all have different opinion to things and way of view things are different.

To me asking for people helps does not really means that soul asking for help is weak ,but depending on people to survive or progress in life is what I comes against.

Life itself has a way hof humbling people,so to me I believed that one way or the other we all need help from people,see take it or leave it many at the top today get there through help,but still you have to learn how to keep your pain and difficulties to yourself and comes out good which I don't argue with you on that.

We all grow by help and wisdom,so I don't see it a a bad idea and never will I looked down on any one who asked for my help,even to me it is a way of impacting in someone life

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