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RE: POB TALK 23/07/2021 - #55

in Proof of Brain4 years ago

Hello Friends, Greetings 😊🙏

At the time of anger, stop,
And lean a bit at the time of mistake,
So all the problems of the world will be resolved.

I will keep going even after million failures,
I will fall again and will continue. But I will never give up 👍

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Hi friend how are you?

A failure is always a new way you've learned not to do something

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Good day here, I believe today will be a wonderful day

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Hmm thank you very much for the piece of advice

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Sometimes in life,for us to succeed we need to overcome failures,so in other words failures is needed to get success...

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When you fail never get discourage because the more you fail the more you learn. At a point where you refuse to continue is when you become a complete failure..

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That is good a decision, this are couraging word, we should never give up at the point of failure.

We always facing challenge and failure, but giving up is not the best, we need to struggle or fight the success.

And when you failure it give room for to learn more because no one is perfect and we will have victory at last.

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It's okay to make mistakes as without it one may never get better. In the path of success certain failures are inevitable. They are all what make success worth it at the end.

We should never stop no matter how many times we fail. I also will keep standing up no matter how many times i fall. I choose to be among the winners. As they say quitters never win and winners never quit.

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Good one!

Stopping at the time of anger is the toughest for me but I gotta control now. Anger kills you.

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You're need to do so, having that under control is the best self control you will possess and learning that will help you endure through so many things.

Anger is so bad and it tend to destroy a lot of things in a short period without us realizing what we did untill we get ourselves and action taken.

One tip I have to give you is speak less or don't talk at all when you are angry at a particular thing or possibly you walk away from that environment for things to settle down a bit.

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This is just too late for me to see and definitely with the look of things here right now,it as really shows that I missed alot yesterday by not having enough time to be here,but it fine that I still have the chance to say one thing or the other right now.

Anger in a lame man definition,is the unwanted reaction that comes when we are been offended in life.

But unlike every other person I have little and let me say different opinion about this anger issue cause me as a person I strongly believe that getting angry is not a crime ,but it should be controlled just like you asked.

Anger on it own as a way of destroying relationship and intimacy with people if care is not taken , especially if our anger is not properly looked after in that process

Words too needs to be watched and we'll examine before it is been said out and I will love to encourage that most times during the anger moment will should rather choose not to say anything.

Been silent at those point in life keeps us far away from making mistakes and will also save us from getting into trouble in life.

Walking away from that incident fore is another thing that keeps us away from that attitude.

Learn to master what makes you happy the more and that thought that can take away that feeling at that moment too will help in controlling our anger

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To the unstoppable @vikbuddy,

I will keep going even after million failures,
I will fall again and will continue. But I will never give up

I can see all that failure has been good for you by lifting you to be a great man.

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Yep dear, i am too lazy, crazy and easy going person. Failures give me alarm and rings the bells for me. Then I strike back harder.
"Fool me once, shame on you
Fool me twice, shame on me"

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Hi my people, good morning to you all
Today's topic is a great one "Anger damage all what you have gathered from very long time" said by an elders, and also gentlelity is not stupidity as well.
too much of anger can kill you so in this case a wise man fall in the leadership manners.
Always try to control your anger so that you can live long on the earth!
Thanks for this topic

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Well Said man. A moment of anger can cause regrettable incidence in ones live. It could leave scares that may not be forgotten. The reason we all should tame that side from finding expression in our vessel.

Indeed anger can get one killed as during the rage of it one can make very irrational decision. A lot have died because of it while some got to cool off in them jail cell because of failure to control it.

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Great! According to one our elders that says "when an anger come your way, don't just alter any statement because you might alter an generous wards and it can later be use against you"
No how the anger will not come your way but don't just use your thong to alter a word because that will be remedy of the anger

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Yeah. Been quiet when angry is very good but it sometimes is very difficult to remain calm when some words are directed to you especially you are not a fault.

Very True. Anger can make one utter regrettable things that may come back. Anger management is something we all need to learn.

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Anger is so deadly and is not something we should hold onto yes in something in life we need it to push through but we must get to use it the right way.

Nice saying by your elder, anger brings down efforts of years hardworking and bring it down to zero, so we have to trim and tame our tongue in so many things we say when angry to avoid spoiling the relationship we have built.

A tip I have to give all of us it to learn to stay quiet or keep silent when angry because any word you may say may not sound good at that particular period.

Second is we may also learn to leave the environment when 😡 angry. These to above measure have guided me a lot and remember speak when necessary and don't take blame or fall for anyone speak up and take your group but do it in an appropriate tone of voice.

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Great! According to one our elders that says "when an anger come your way, don't just alter any statement because you might alter an generous wards and it can later be use against you"
No how the anger will not come your way but don't just use your thong to alter a word because that will be remedy of the anger

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Good one!

Stopping at the time of anger is the toughest for me but I gotta control now. Anger kills you.

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Anger is very dangerous,both spitirually and morally too

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This is very good from you at @vikbuddy , even of this is not a recent question from you,buy still the same I just need to say one or two things about this one.

Let me start by saying this is life for us and we are meant to at some certain stage in life as we proceed in it face some certain challenges or let me say difficulties too.

This is not all we are going to come across in life ,to me also at some certain stage failure are meant to set in,in which I see as a whole at at which our ability are been tested

What is failure,to me own best of knowledge I see failure as the process or project end in a negative way in which will affect the moral of such person

With the above definition it very clear that failure on it own is meant to affect our moral,but still it is not the end of life,which means failing on a particular project does not mean that is the end of the project or life for such person.

I do say this strongly that failure is a better means of starting a project or work in a more special way or using a special approach on a particular assignment.

That we failed in life at some stage to me is part of life and part of the process at which we will drive courage and confidence from in life.

We must learn how to stand to our feet after failing ,just like you said failing a million times is normal,but we must all have reason to stand up after failing in life.

And I keep telling people that winners never quit in the race of life and you won't see anyone that quit wins in life too

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