This review was written in English and Portuguese.
Hi guys, I was a bit absent from the blog, I may have missed some really interesting things, I even knew there were Vyb airdrops and some other game-related moves that I participate without disagreement, but my goal with this post is not just to say that I was absent, but , to say that we have a movement that can gain good visibility if it really becomes a commitment. It's the BR movement here at PoB!
Everyone knows that there are many Brazilians here at Hive who create content in our native language, who do not gain visibility, but who have great post's proposals, so I saw it in a last [post] ( / @ thomashnblum / wouldn-t-it-be-time-the-time-Brazilian-join-in-pob-wouldn't-be-time-of-Brazilian-time-join-gangs-in-pob) from @ thomashnblum he listed some of these, which are on [discord] (, where you Brazilians can chat, exchange an idea, mention something in common with a hive and interact with us, we are a niche very active and participative that runs in the PoB's vein and that is always injecting adrenaline into the community, for it to sustain itself.
We are fully aware of the progress of the community scenario, the controversial issues that I learned for the last few days that there is no point in continuing to prolong and among other factors, but we cannot help but think broadly and with faith that we want the community remain firm, continue to be receptive and warm with new entrants and continue with the proposal to promote good original and creative posts.
Vyb, as this new and warm tribe that is forming to join with a PoB, is bringing a new glow to light at the end of the tunnel and we think we can continue to believe that the community will live to have new fruits to offer us and that we will live better days, we just have to keep doing our part!
Olá pessoal, estive meio ausente do blog, posso ter perdido coisas bem interessantes, soube até que teve airdrops da Vyb e alguns outros movimentos relacionado a jogos que participo no discord, mas meu objetivo com este post não é apenas falar que estive ausente e sim, dizer que temos um movimento que pode ganhar uma boa visibilidade se realmente se tornar um compromisso. É o movimento BR aqui na PoB !
Todos sabem que existem muitos brasileiros aqui na Hive que criam conteúdo na nossa língua nativa, que não ganham visibilidade, mas que tem ótimas propostas de post's, então vi em um último postdiscord, onde você brasileiro pode conversar, trocar uma ideia, mencionar algum assunto em comum com a hive e interagir conosco, somos um nicho bem ativo e participativo que corre na veia da PoB e que sempre está injetando adrenalina na comunidade, para ela se manter. de @thomashnblum que ele listou alguns destes, que estão no
Temos plena consciência sobre o andamento do cenário da comunidade, os assuntos polêmicos que eu soube por alto nestes últimos dias que não vem ao caso continuar prolongando e entre outros fatores, mas não podemos deixar de pensar de forma ampla e ter fé que queremos que a comunidade continue firme, continue sendo receptiva e calorosa com novos ingressantes e que continue com a proposta de promover bons posts originais e criativos.
A Vyb, sendo esta nova e calorosa tribo que está se formando para somar com a PoB é que traz mais um novo brilho para luz no fim do túnel e que pensamos que a podemos continuar acreditando que a comunidade viverá para ter novos frutos a nos oferecer e que viveremos dias melhores, só temos que continuar fazendo nossa parte!
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So this maybe something you can do to grow your network and outreach as you find content you truly enjoy and believe in that would add value to people you can even try to summarize that content for them into English in various one of these community platforms and split the percentage with them 50/50 by changing your settings. That way you both win and the content gets exposure. It can also help you build a unique brand and imagine within your community if that is a goal of yours.
I fully agree with you and always try to do what I can to help with my votes, re-blogs and comments to encourage and spread the content of the community as a whole.
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