
regardless - you are under no legal obligation to share your medical information with anyone

I completely agree! But don't tell people to site HIPAA to sound informed, because it makes them sound REALLY uninformed.

I won't do it again lol. I thought HIPAA protects patients medical privacy for/from everyone and not just with medical providers.

This is a farce too, because during a stay in rehab years ago I had a nurse show me on the computer how she was able to access my most private medical information and we both agreed that it was totally messed up!

This was/is the VA medical system, afaik it still works this way, despite many will deny it. I saw it first hand.

Yep, it's bad. At my last company we had a sales person do a live demo of billing records with live hospital data, it was nearly a lawsuit.

I totally support you protecting your privacy! :) It was just a sidebar

yeah, i just say "MEDICAL PRIVACY"