Spectral Users: Where do they hide?

in Proof of Brain3 years ago (edited)

This publication was also written in SPANISH and PORTUGUESE.


Tristar Investigation

If you've been in this ecosystem for a while, you've probably noticed that there are strategic "absences" and "rebirths" by many users. Initially, many of them are present in the projects, bring their ideas, collaborate with the development of initiatives, write and publish posts, comment, interact... But then, for some reason (which is really not the focus here), they disappear and become "spectral beings".

Like a phoenix that rises from the ashes, many of these "ghost users" resurface when the values ​​of their cryptocurrency portfolio start to rise (the reason for their disappearance is usually low values ​​in their profits... but obviously, this one is not the only reason) and they become participatory again. However, its "elastic" essence (appearing and disappearing), tends to be something harmful, in different and important layers.

First, self-sabotage, because these users create their own obstacles in terms of their rising earnings here within the ecosystem. Who doesn't write, who doesn't publish, who doesn't comment, and who is also absent from interactions... will never be seen, and therefore, will not be remembered. Second, it is possible to mention collective harm, when these users participate in projects and simply "drop out of nowhere".

Ultimately, each person has their own way of doing things. However, I think that when the work is collective, we must strive to be present and help in whatever we can (especially when the challenge proposed by a project is our own or, when we are actively part of it). Personal motivations are not up for discussion, but even if they are the reason, why not explain before they leave?

This is my post for this contest, which has been promoted by @calumam.

Usuarios espectrales: ¿Dónde se esconden?

Si ha estado en este ecosistema por un tiempo, probablemente haya notado que hay "ausencias" y "renacimientos" estratégicos por parte de muchos usuarios. Inicialmente, muchos de ellos están presentes en los proyectos, aportan sus ideas, colaboran con el desarrollo de iniciativas, escriben y publican posts, comentan, interactúan... Pero luego, por alguna razón (que realmente no es el foco aquí), desaparecen y se convierten en "seres espectrales".

Como un fénix que se levanta de las cenizas, muchos de estos "usuarios fantasma" resurgen cuando los valores de su cartera de criptomonedas comienzan a subir (la razón de su desaparición suele ser valores bajos en sus ganancias... Pero obviamente, esto una no es la única razón) y vuelven a ser participativos. Sin embargo, su esencia "elástica" (aparecer y desaparecer), tiende a ser algo dañino, en diferentes e importantes capas.

Primero, el autosabotaje, porque estos usuarios crean sus propios obstáculos en términos de sus crecientes ganancias aquí dentro del ecosistema. Quién no escribe, quién no publica, quién no comenta y quién también está ausente de las interacciones... Nunca se verá y, por lo tanto, no se recordará. En segundo lugar, es posible mencionar el daño colectivo, cuando estos usuarios participan en proyectos y simplemente "abandonan de la nada".

En definitiva, cada persona tiene su propia forma de hacer las cosas. Sin embargo, creo que cuando el trabajo es colectivo, debemos esforzarnos por estar presentes y ayudar en todo lo que podamos (especialmente cuando el desafío que propone un proyecto es el nuestro o, cuando formamos parte activa de él). Las motivaciones personales no están en discusión, pero incluso si son la razón, ¿por qué no explicar antes de irse?

Este es mi post para este concurso, promovido por @calumam.

Usuários Espectros: Onde eles se escondem?

Se você está nesse ecossistema há algum tempo, já deve ter percebido que existem "ausências" e "renascimentos" estratégicos por parte de muitos usuários. Inicialmente, muitos deles se fazem presentes nos projetos, trazem suas ideias, colaboram com o desenvolvimento de iniciativas, escrevem e publicam posts, comentam, interagem... Mas depois, por alguma razão (que realmente não é o foco aqui), eles desparecem e se tornam "seres espectrais".

Como uma fênix que renasce das cinzas, muitos desses "usuários fantasmas" ressurgem quando os valores do seu portfólio de criptomoedas começam a subir (o motivo do desaparecimento, geralmente são baixas de valores nos seus lucros... mas é óbvio, que essa não é a única razão) e eles voltam a ser participativos novamente. Porém, sua essência "elástica" (aparecer e desaparecer), tende a ser algo prejudicial, em diferentes e importantes camadas.

Primeiro, a autossabotagem, porque esses usuários criam seus próprios obstáculos em relação à sua ascensão de ganhos aqui dentro do ecossistema. Quem não escreve, quem não publica, quem não comenta, e quem também é ausente em relação às interações... Nunca será visto, e portanto, não será lembrado. Segundo, é possível fazer as menções aos danos coletivos, quando esses usuários participam de projetos e simplesmente "somem do nada".

No final das contas, cada pessoa tem sua própria maneira de agir. No entanto, eu penso que quando o trabalho é coletivo, nós devemos nos esforçar para estar presentes e ajudar no que nós pudermos (principalmente quando o desafio proposto por algum projeto é de nossa autoria ou, quanto ativamente fazemos parte dele). Motivações de cunho pessoal não estão em discussão, mas ainda que sejam a razão, por quê não explicar antes de se ausentar?

Esse é o meu post para este concurso, que está sendo promovido por @calumam.

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I'm very guilty of this, due to the seasonal nature of my work. For most of spring through fall, I simply do not have a time to put posts together, though I do try to vote and drop comments now and then. This is why I never get involved in any 'leadership' capacity.

Since I have no financial motivation to earn on Hive, the self-harm this causes me doesn't really harm me at all. I have enough HP to keep my resource credits high enough for my limited engagement, and that's all I need. :D

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I think you are part of another group, @oldsoulnewb. I mean, you're not a spectral user... I guess you're a user with a precise point of view of what you want to do, without getting involved in projects that you can't keep up with (as you said yourself).

So, in this case... That's fine.

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Value creates excitement, so if at some point, the value is lost, those engagement will experience a massive drop. This also boils down to what people term valuable, to me, I have this weird swings evolving my content creations, one is that if I consistently gain rewards, and then it drops, I automatically experience a slight discouragement, why? Because my content is not receiving that "value" that it got before.

The second one is engagement, if I'm being real, I value this more, the engagement on my contents is highly important to me, if I don't get it, I feel discouraged as well.

To conclude, I actually give less attention to rewards, if I get enough engagement, truth is, rewards will make me smile for a minute, but being engaged has so much more, I get to enjoy my content, and it really shows its real value based on the fact that so many people have something to say.

So it's all boils down to what was most valuable to them, some possibly left because that fun engagement dropped, and some of course left because of the token devaluation. If we're being totally real, even the dramas has been minimized, some people actually enjoyed all that, but it's all dropping rapidly, so all these factors add up.

Not sure if this makes any sense to you... 🤸‍♂️

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Not sure if this makes any sense to you...

Your comment was really great, @malopie and obviously it makes perfect sense to me.

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The rewards earned on this comment will go directly to the person sharing the post on Twitter as long as they are registered with @poshtoken. Sign up at https://hiveposh.com.

I don't plan on disappearing. It took me long enough to get settled in!

By the way, have you seen @caluman around? I have the next episode of my series written and waiting :( ...

@calumam is like a "ghost", haha!

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So long as he comes back to life, all good :)

Some people are just saving their energy. 😉

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Well... I don't believe in this.

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