in Proof of Brain4 years ago


Truth be told, being a functioning adult everyday seems a bit excessive. experience tell you what to do; confidence allows you to do it. Stay positive.

With confidence you have won before you have started. With confidence your success will be determined and fortitude. Confidence is like " show up in every single moment like you're meant to be there."

Confidence is the most beautiful thing you can possess. To anyone that ever told you're no good, they're better . Confidence is a muscle the more you use it, the stronger it's gets.

Argue for your limitations and, sure enough, they're yours. Believing in yourself and having confidence gives you outer strength. Happiness is a choice not a results. Nothing will make you happy. No person will make you happy unless you decide to be happy . your happiness will not come to you. it will only come from you.

You are good enough, smart enough,beautiful enough and strong enough. Believe it and stop letting insecurity run your life. You dont have to be perfect. having a bad day is okay. Small steps are also progress.

Lastly, asking for help is strength. Self confidence is a super power. Once you start to believe in yourself, magic start happening.

Enjoy your day.

I'm out.

Thanks for stopping by.

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For someone to be successfull in life confidence must come to play in all we do.for anybody to succeed in life confidence and courage makes the heart strong.i encourage everyone of us to be confident in pursuing our dreams.

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Absolutely true mate.. we all need to be courageous.

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Good one from you mate and I must say this is one thing that most pepe this days don't have ,to me I see it as one of the factors affecting people progress in life,the world confidence to me is the ability to firm,speak out and be courageous irespective of happenings around us,this is myp perfect way of explaining this,I want to also agreed that thier are other means of defining this,which means that my definition might be wrong or different from the dictionary meaning that some might want to agreed with the more,but from me I see my definition as the best way to actually express myself mate,just like I said earlier confidence is a very vital factor that will need in our day to day life and permit me to say it as a way of helping out growth and boasting our level of consistent too in life.

With confidence you have won before you have started. With confidence your success will be determined and fortitude. Confidence is like " show up in every single moment like you're meant to be there."

Technically I agree with you on this and just as I do say that battle are first won in our mind before it is be won in the outside or physical World 🌎 too so as confidence too helps us in achieving greatness and having victory over issues before will even started working on those issues,which means that with confidence already in us thier are things that we would have won or achieved already without even touching or processing those things

Argue for your limitations and, sure enough, they're yours. Believing in yourself and having confidence gives you outer strength. Happiness is a choice not a results. Nothing will make you happy. No person will make you happy unless you decide to be happy . your happiness will not come to you. it will only come from you.

I strongly agreed with you that having confidence too is a very good boast in terms of our we face our challenges too in life and I strongly believe and agreed with you that it has a special way of giving us the upper hand in conquering or fear and limitations in life , always have on believe that it is not everything that hard work do solve at times,but confidence and courage too brings solutions to problems on several occasions, cause I strongly believe nthat thier are ideas that comes when we have a very solid confidence in us.

asking for help is strength. Self confidence is a super power. Once you start to believe in yourself, magic start happening.

I really wished I can still say more right now cause this as really helped me in becoming a very good person in life and I remember how I got a job without even knowing much during the interview at all and at the end I got the job,but that is not what I really wanted to talk on right now,I want to agreed with you that asking for help in life is not a crime and infact base on my opinion and understanding we grow up by helping others in life and that is the place of help and aside that asking for help to is another way to come out good in our approach to issues and situations at times in life.

Thanks for a very wonderful Content like this and trust I didn't move out of content mate.

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