Is it feasible to have deep feelings for two individuals concurrently?...

in Proof of Brainlast year

Loving someone isn’t just a mouth thing and many times I’ve heard people talk about how they can be emotionally attached to more than one person which is mostly practiced in Africa where a man can marry more than one wife also known as polygamy.
However, no one is perfect and our hearts can be so confusing at times especially when you’re caught in a tight corner but still there’s no way you can have deep feelings for two different opposite sex.


When I was in secondary I was badly influenced and I got myself into a relationship when I was not supposed to.
I thought it was love but we were only deceiving ourselves by the time we graduated and we stopped seeing one another the feeling disappeared not until 2 years later but I was already in a promising relationship. We got along back as a friend and from there we almost wanted to continue from where we left it in second school while I was in another relationship but I discovered I’m not emotionally attached to her again it only feels like I still love her but I’m not and how did I discover this

- I understood love:
Each type of love carries its own dynamic function and of course, she wanted romantic love which I tried giving her but it was difficult for me because my feeling for her wasn’t anything close to love which meant that it was hard for me to sacrifice my time, energy and other resources for her.

- My loyalty:
This is one of the reasons I just couldn’t attempt falling in love with more than one person. Loyalty in my language means respect, respecting your partner regardless of the circumstances is what I always look up to because when you re not loyal it might lead to me hurting my partner emotionally.

- Guilty conscience:
Guilty conscience sets in when you think you can kill two birds with one stone when it comes to love because you will start assuming your partner is doing the same thing you’re doing and you will start losing trust in one another.


After I discovered all this I had to end whatever relationship we are having that’s more than friendship or normal relationship and nothing feels happier than being a trustworthy partner.
Thinking you could balance love with lust will one day backfire and unfortunately you might hate the situation you find yourself in.

Thank you for stopping by. Bye!

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