According to scientists, the average person has about 60,000 thoughts during the day - that is, one thought for every waking second.
I often have more than one thought in a second.
How often do you think about money? How many times a day? Really?
Often. Especially at the beginnings and at the endings of the months. But this is natural for someone, who lives under the minimum wage. I thought about it often. But not because I like it. Because I have to. It is a very bad necessity. At least nowadays. I am planning to get out of this cycle.
As Jean Paul Getty said, "If you don't have money, you think about money all the time. If you have money, all you think about is money."
Depending on the circumstances, he is more or less right. At least about the first part. Of course money is not all I think about. Especially not when I have money. But that is a very rare case for someone living under the minimum wage. When I have money, then I can concentrate on life, because I do not have to worry about money. But again. Unfortunately this is very rare.