I'm at that point where I think humanity deserves to be wiped out.
If not wiped out, then cleaned and woken up. Some people simply do not know what (and/or why) they are doing. And this is not necessarily their own bad/mistake. I also said/made/done some (bad) things that I cannot explain. I forgive everyone, and I hope that everyone forgive me too.
I feel very strongly about people's own responsibility. All of the information is out there, slapping you in the face. People willfully go against science, fully aware of what they are doing. Well... I guess there's an IQ factor there aswell. With producers having to write on the box of dishwashing tablets "It's not safe to eat", we are not breeding the best and brightest. We are encouraging even the most ignorant people to reproduce and then get surprised we are fucking things up as humanity.
I don't forgive stupidity and I don't forgive any needless action that harms our planet. I find parents who don't do everything they can to make a better world for their children to be moronic and the definition of selfishness and I think they should have never been allowed to procreate.
Oh well, I am a very unforgiving person and I guess I shouldn't even care. I don't have kids and the sooner we wipe ourselves out, the sooner the planet gets to heal. Hopefully there'll be some animals left by the time we're done wreaking havoc.