Very good evening... my dear and appreciated readers, once again I find myself in this beautiful space interacting with each one of you, which is very pleasant for me.
En esta oportunidad les quiero compartir una pequeña experiencia que vivo día a día con mi hija de tan solo 8 añitos de edad, quien si fuese por ella viviera pegada al teléfono de su papá día y noche.
In this opportunity I want to share with you a little experience that I live day by day with my 8 year old daughter, who if it were up to her, would live glued to her dad's phone day and night.
La tecnología desde mi punto de vista es una gran herramienta de trabajo en la vida del ser humano, la cual nos brinda un sinfín de beneficios al momento de desarrollar algunas labores y muy en especial en estos tiempos donde gran parte de la población de muchos países del mundo trabajamos de forma digital desde la comodidad de nuestros hogares.
Technology from my point of view is a great working tool in the life of the human being, which gives us endless benefits when developing some work and especially in these times where much of the population of many countries in the world work digitally from the comfort of our homes.
El uso de la tecnología en la vida de nuestros pequeños debe ser vigilado constantemente, ya que la misma pudiera estar interfiriendo en el comportamiento habitual de nuestros hijos, siendo un arma de doble filo para su desarrollo emocional y de conducta.
The use of technology in our children's lives must be constantly monitored, since it could be interfering in their behavior, being a double-edged sword for their emotional and behavioral development.
En mi experiencia como mamá les puedo decir que vivo regañando a mi hija y quitándole el teléfono a cada momento porque cada vez que me descuido se lo consigo en las manos y si les soy sincera eso no me agrada de mucho ya que ha cambiado mucho su comportamiento, en ocasiones, ni caso quiere hacer cuando está pegada a él. Sé que a muchas mamas lo mismo les ha de suceder, por tal motivo les invito a compartir sus experiencias a través de los comentarios.
In my experience as a mom I can tell you that I live scolding my daughter and taking away her phone at every moment because every time I neglect her I get it in my hands and if I'm honest I don't like it very much because her behavior has changed a lot, sometimes she doesn't even want to pay attention when she is glued to it. I know that the same thing must happen to many moms, so I invite you to share your experiences in the comments.
Queridos amigos me despido de todos ustedes, será hasta una nueva oportunidad.
Dear friends, I say goodbye to all of you, until another opportunity.
Observación: La imagen utilizada como portada es mi autoría tomada con la cámara de mi teléfono celular J2Pro.
Remark: The image used as the cover is my authorship taken with my J2Pro cell phone camera.
Truth be told technology has a role to play in every child's life, consistently it should be monitored on how they spend there time surfing the internet or somewhat like that, things they look up to and things they find pleasure seeing course it has a role to play whether good or bad
Hello friend, that's how everything has its pros and cons of ellí the need for us as parents monitoring and supervision of the content that our children see.
Thank you very much for your comment.