The hypersexuality of the girl child..

in Proof of Brain4 years ago

Are mothers responsible for this pattern that girls are acquiring?

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Today it is normal to see girls as young as 8 years old with polish on their nails, made up, wearing heels and tight clothes. For some parents, this is normal, however, experts have been emphatic when saying that these patterns are negative for the behavior and development of these little girls.

Answering the initial question, in some cases if, nevertheless, TV, internet and fashion trends bear most of the responsibility because they are coupled with selling or promoting the adultization of childhood.

Despite the fact that at a certain age in childhood they do not have the power to choose what outfits they can wear, if makeup is appropriate, what they can buy at the mall or use false eyelashes; There is a considered group of little girls who make the decision to do this or, failing that, the mothers themselves are the ones who encourage them to use this type of thing.

Given all this, many times I got to wonder: When can be the ideal time for a girl to have absolute power to choose her outfit or look?

Whose answer I think that, all this is about being congruent with the age of the little girl and of course, when her parents make the decision to give them that autonomy.

We see more and more frequently how they are adultizing girls and according to statistics, a girl between 3 and 6 years old is dressed as if she were between 18 and 20 years old. It is important to note that girls at this age are like a sponge because they are absorbing all the information that is automatically forming their adult attitude or personality ahead of time.

The United States is the country where hypersexuality is seen in the most scandalous way because there are pageants and other beauty contests in which little ones are observed using false nails, botox on the lips, hair extensions or artificial tanning; activities that are generally done by young women 20 years of age and older.

If we analyze these things very well, we will realize that it is a terrible problem that today's society has because without realizing it, we are seeing how girls do not live and enjoy their stages naturally because they are burning the cycles without giving them the opportunity to enjoy the moment that you really are.

Traveling back in time, we have that in the 80s or 90s, it was normal to see girls playing using their mothers' heels; An action that for some today can affirm that hypersexuality is not a thing of this moment, however, the childhood game of the 80s or 90s was less harmful because those actions were only for a moment and the little ones continued to experience childhood as they did. corresponded.

Let's be clear that the root of the problem with hypersexuality begins when girls are exposed to leaving home with makeup and outfits that are not consistent with their childhood stage. Once the parents cross the fine line between the game and real life, they immediately accelerate the process by promoting the time for these little girls to advance faster than expected...

Risks of hypersexuality in girls
The problem begins when fashion equates young girls with young people or adults because this action makes the little ones grow faster by skipping their stages of current experiences.

When girls go through a stage earlier than they are due, they run the risk of experiencing a stage in which they are not yet ready to experiment and the result of this is that they begin to fulfill the role of adults.

Girls do not have the experience of physically looking childish.

When girls project their image and behavior as if they were already women, the social context begins to demand actions that even in their mentality are not processed and that makes them vulnerable.

Ways to avoid hypersexuality in girls
Establishing dress and makeup limits.

Give good examples.

Do not allow audiovisual programs to influence your stage.

Hope that they are of the relevant age so that they can choose for themselves the outfit they want.

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From my own perspective i totally i agree with you.base on what i have discovered or observed around the little girls of this modern generation is something i titled mothers carelessness and been week.i encourage every mother in this community to always monitor and take care of their liitle girls in their early stage to avoid had i know at the end.

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Well said bro, all these you mentioned at the first paragraph About the dressing code, fashion and all that, actually it's affects the child because the way you train a child that's the way she will follow, though same thing applies to boys, in our recent society, mothers often neglect the impact and influence of these little things such as dressing and makeup which may later become a big factor on a long run, the best is training up a child in a good way so when he grows she won't depart from it.

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@yubensy well I can't agree less with you, you see, this modern generation has brought alot with it.

If you watch well you will understand that hypersexuality as the case may be is a problem of our time, if you look back at our mothers time and the mothers before them, you will understand that there is/was a big difference.

What do I mean, during those days, things like making children up, or polishing their nails weren't there, even if it was, it's just not as rampant as it is now, why because this present generation sees it as nothing but trending fashion and what have you. We forget that all these things affect the child psycologically, they grow up to hype them because they are already into it.

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It is sad to see that the issue keeps increasing in the society,something needs to be done about it..

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And that something should start with us!😛😛