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RE: Adding to my drum kit

in Drumminglast year

I hope your bandmates will give you a-ok as I would really like to see your first outing with your drums. I have always loved them but balked at practicing with them in apartments and carrying them around if needed. I realize now that both were childish concerns :)
I love how your kit looks in photos. the first thing i though of when seeing the set up in you main photo of the kit is looks like a Beatles drum set once they allowed Ringo some toms :)

I took out my bass the other day after almost 5 years. Unluckily it did not work. not sure if my pickups are shot or something wrong with cable. Caught up at work at the moment. Probably next week will take it into a shop to check.


Having played a few gigs where I had to lug various gear it's not such a big deal to take the drums along. Some people think that the standard four piece kit is all you need and it worked for Ringo. The smaller bass drum makes it more portable plus there is a cymbal stand built in so you need less of those. It's all very practical.

I hope you can get the bass sorted soon.