in Drumming4 days ago


There must have been something that prompted you to venture into drumming. That something is the seed that will determine how far you will go in music in general.


You might say, I am into drumming for the passion and not for the money or because one of my friend is a drummer. Sorry to say but if money is your drive or a certain person is the drive that pushed you into
becoming a drummer, you might get disappointed because you will be in a haste to learn drumming really fast and later end up not getting it right, because you want to quickly start making money from drumming or really want to start playing the drums like that certain person you saw that made you become a drummer.

If the passion is not there don’t force drumming on
yourself, it is just a waste of time.


My whole life, I’ve either been too right for some people or what I do is too good to be done by me which makes others have doubt about what I do and it is very uncomfortable and hurting in-between. So when I first pick up my drum stick and finally decide to be a drummer, I was hoping to shut some people up which actually worked and then when I decided to start writing articles online for drummers, history started repeating itself again, the others kept doubting if I truly wrote them myself, but I kind of realize that I don’t need to prove anything to anybody.

Like when I pick up my drum stick I feel like myself, when I write articles online for drummers to read I feel like I have a purpose.


Hey, anytime you pick up your stick to play the drums, you don’t need to prove anything to anyone, the most important thing is that you feel like yourself just holding the stick and while playing the drums you feel like you have a purpose. If you don’t have this feelings please stop drumming immediately and look for where your passion lies before it is too late.

A lot of people are wasting their time in drumming because they saw their friend drumming and they decide to be a drummer also, hereby escorting their friend to his place of passion and not finding their
passion and that is why some people actually think they are not talented not knowing that they have been focusing their energy on the wrong passion.

Drumming is not for everybody. Most of my friends then who were trying to take drumming serious are no longer playing the drums again, why? They got discouraged and base on the looks of things, people who don’t have the passion for drumming easily get discouraged and easily quit drumming.

When you see someone with the passion, he or she is ready to go any length just to be good in drumming and they don’t get easily discouraged.

So what is your drive as someone that want to become a drummer? Are you doing it for the money or the passion? If it’s the money I am afraid you might get disappointed, but if it is the passion then I can assure you that you will keep trying till you
achieve your goal.

As a starter I want you to have this at the back of your mind as you are growing, make anything you do in this field be driven by your passion and not the money.

When you are passionate about drumming you look like a freak who is out of his senses, you can pay any amount just to learn something new in drumming.

So the first criteria you need starting up as a drummer is the passion, without it you don’t have a
purpose, you don’t have a drive, you don’t have a zeal, you don’t have a reason for drumming and you will easily be discourage and quit drumming.

Starting up as a drummer you need to:

  1. Check if the passion is there

  2. Get your mind prepared for the obstacle you will meet in the nearest future. The insult, mockery, disappointment, discouragement and other discouraging factors that surrounds a beginner drummer.

  3. Be ready to take series of sacrifices. You might spend money while trying to improve, you might not have the time for social event because of the sacrifice of practicing.

  4. Be ready to pay the sacrifice of consistency. Your practice will not yield result if you are not consistent, consistency has been a very vital aspect of every field in life.