LOL! The counting was to help me sync up the videos and also to help the Musora people do their bit. That has turned into a bit of an epic as I forgot to actually send in my video before the deadline, but one of their dedicated moderators has stepped in to help me get in. She said I needed to give them the individual videos, so I had to do some more editing for that. Working with video is such a palaver. Whoever does the big edit of the collaboration has my respect.
I know my limitations as a musician, but I am up for collaborating with others if they will have me.
Would you ever be willing to come do a tiny desk concert for CWH?
Oh, how we’d love it!! 🥰
That's a possibility. I'd have to work on something for that. Just let me know how it would work.
That’s easy. The next time you come to Cuppa Joe, the half-hour pre-CWH hangout, I’ll demonstrate how. Easy.
Everyday on CWH Discord, you’ll see the Cuppa Joe link in the “🟢 HAPPENING NOW” (upper left corner) event notice appear at 2:30 GMT.
Bring your own cuppa.
What time is that (UK)? I may be able to stop by today.
Oh, yes, 2:30pm UK & UTC.