Political Roughhousing with Rick | Practice Podcast #021

in Hive Comedy6 months ago

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An Anarchist and an Independent argue Kamala v Trump.

Bit off the rails at the end of this one, but I intend for this to be more of a talk show, rather than a news show - so take everything with a grain of salt, and do your own research on any claims made. We didn't prepare anything, and I haven't done any serious political research - since around the time of the covid vaccine xD Check my website, for better reporting-style coverage of past events, there's a lot of content from back when I was more politically involved. {Politics,conspiracy or currentpress tags/categories may be a good place to start}

Definitely leave a comment on anything you have more clarity on, or anything you would like elaborated on. I don't mind doing well-prepared presentation style episodes, or doing more thorough research on specific topics - but for the most part I won't have time to keep every episode perfectly cited, at least for now.

I'll also have a link below - to a post I made on using search engines to do better and more accurate research, in light of the current issues with google, etc.

Gun rights and laws talk included,
RIP to Paul Harrell {channel links below}

https://www.youtube.com/c/PaulHarrell https://rumble.com/c/c-1656235/videos

I can't seem to find the link to the mouthy buddha documentary at the moment..I remember it being a part 1, much longer than the "pedogate" documentary on his bitchute channel. Link below to his bitchute, if you wanna look into his stuff anyway. Honestly think the original was on youtube, but his channel was taken down, and bitchute doesn't have a great search xD

Some extra corrections, info, and images faded in over the video.

Description links subject to change, make sure you check the latest video, and feel free to contact me if something isn't working.


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